Friday, October 17, 2008

Ha Ha!

This picture cracks me up! Gina and I actually stopped in the middle of a race to take this picture! ha ha! Shows how serious we were about the race, I guess :) And, the funny thing is, I remember feeling kind of yucky during that race- but looking at the picture, I don't look like anything is wrong at all! So, so funny.

2 years ago, Gina and I were rivals in the road race series. We secretly liked to beat each other, and we had never met personally. I introduced myself to her after the 10 miler in the series, this very same race. I figured, well, we can't ignore the fact that we are racing each other, so we might as well introduce ourselves!

And look at us now- stopping in the middle of races to take pictures.

Okay, I promise, promise not to do this in Florida. Everything will be about moving forward and I will not pose for the camera. I just had to get it out of my system.


Laura said...

I LOVE that Damie! That is SOOOO awesome.

Are you practicing running in your DeSoto shorts? ;)

Damie said...

No- I wish. Those are my mizuno shorts that have somehow ridden up my you know what. I always have these weird running pictures with shorts that won't stay where they are supposed to!

kerrie said...

i am so glad to hear that there won't be any posing at florida!
you look ready - the countdown is on!!!!!