Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Self- Treatment

My Red Blood Cell (RBC) count has come back extremely low and flagged for problems on the last 2 blood tests I have had done in the past 6 weeks. I went today to talk to someone about the results (along with some other abnormal, flagged results in my bloodwork). The NP was so nonchalant- "oh, I don't know. If you want to be healthy you need to exercise! (WTF???? are you serious lady? Do I not look like I exercise? Don't answer that :)). I wouldn't worry about the abnormal results on BOTH lab tests. "

So, this is what I find on the internet: A low red blood cell count might mean the patient has anemia, acute or chronic blood loss, malnutrition, chronic inflammation, or a number of nutritional deficiencies including iron, copper, vitamin B-12 or vitamin B-6. I guess I get to take my pick.

Thank you health care for giving me some results, not taking the time to explain them, and then giving me no plan of care. Merci beaucoup! I am off to track practice (where I will run 40 minutes in zone 1- helluva a track workout!), and I think I will eat spinach with dinner tonight!


Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

What exactly was your RBC because I can tell you exactly what it should be. As a matter of fact I can tell you what your INR, hemoglobin, hematocrit, PaCO2, PaO2, PT and PPT times, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and SaO2 SHOULD be. And yes, I am just taking the dang PT boards, not a medical school exam. Ugh! Tell David to take you out for some good red meat. Go to that Texas Brazilian steakhouse place. I went to the one in Dallas, ate and drank A LOT, and was ready to take home one of the waiters with me. They were hot! If they're as good looking at the Memphis location please don't tell me.

Jan said...

sounds like mira knows what she's talking about. i'd ask her!

Anonymous said...

Hey, great job last weekend!!! Sorry my post scared you. I have to also agree with Mira. Go eat a great big steak!!! Hope to train with you soon.

Damie said...

Ha ha....I haven't touched red meat or pork for 16 years- oh, and don't really like chicken either. Maybe that is part of the problem I am sure. :) I hear you on that Mira. We were just given the serum albumin <3.5 for malnutrition number and told it would be on the boards. For a moment I forgot what school I was in- oh yeah, PT. :)

Mel said...

TOO confusing for me...BUT I hope you get it sorted sista :)

Anonymous said...

Hey damie,

I was anemic a couple of years ago and i took children's flinstones and tried to eat a little more red meat. the vitamins seemed to really work as my count went up really quickly. My Dr. also told me that when you sweat a lot, you lose iron that way ??? not sure if this makes sense but anyhoo you may want to try the flinstones. I know pregnant moms take them when they can't take their pre-natal vitamins.

Leslie b.

Lee said...

Ok...did the NP have a fresh manicure and lots of letters behind her name? Did you see a stethoscope??? IF your answers are a. yes b. yes c. no? Get the hell out of there and go find a nurse with a stethoscope slung around her neck and an ID hanging somewhere.There you will find your answers. I can say this..I'm a nurse!
You need more info Baby girl!Save the copies of lab work and go somewhere else if you are concerned. Keep asking until you are satisfied! Take care Dame!! Love ya. : )

Mary Eggers said...

Okay Damie, here is where I can contribute. I am just an RN working on my NP and I know more than this DWIT DOES! Geesh!

You can take Iron Supplements.... you do want to be cautious because they can cause constipation. For that you can take colace. Now you see though..... we add one thing on top of another.

I wouldn't be afraid to take Iron, but to combat things like constipation keep the fiber and roughage high. Those green leafy's.

I had a severe problem with anemia that required a blood transfusion, so don't get to that point. It is common for endurance athletes to experience this.

Cook on a cast Iron pan, pot. Believe it or not traces of the Iron will leech into the food you cook. Traces...... but it is something.

If you are not a good meat eater: Pumpkin seeds, enriched cereals, believe it or not..... blackstrap molasses (make molassess cookies!) Canned beans, enriched pasts, baked potatoes WITH skin. Turkey, shrimp and yes, BEEF.

So see.... there is a lot of food to choose from. You don't ahve to go out and eat a burger every day. Keep it colorful, keep it fresh food.

I will be checking on ya!

:-) Mary

Joy said...

i hear texas de brazil has a great salad bar too. and hot guys. i hear they have hot guys. let's go.

Samantha said...

DAMIE!!! get better soon. I second and third everyone on Texas De Brazil. I went there on sunday for my bday. If you haven't had meat in 16 years, that place will make you want to eat it again...if not, the salad bar is to die for too. haha.

Anonymous said...

Ok it is annoying that they told you this but didn't detail it all out! Yes, this whole thing of low iron and anemia is important to keep your eye on. You are training so much now in prep for the IM, just be SUPER smart and careful....there is nothing better than a GREAT filet.
Jen H. :)