Thursday, September 18, 2008


I, Damie Eileen Turpin Roberts, passed my Neuro III final with a 91. I am one step closer to being completely finished with all course work. I post my grade not to brag (because it is not an A, but a B at this school) but to demonstrate that I am completely and utterly thrilled to finish with a B. Yes, I have become one of those students that settles, and that is not a bad thing. Buh bye type A personality school nerd Damie. Hello realistic lets HTFU and graduate and actually work for a living Damie!

Since this has been no easy task for me (and I do not say that lightly), I felt that I deserved some sort of reward for all of the studying I have done this week.

Something forced me to swerve, subconsciously I think, to the local Ross Dress for Less on the way home. Some clothes also landed in my basket!

  • 1 Pair of Seven Jeans (only $15.00...thank you very much!)
  • 1 new snazzy long sleeve green dress...I don't even remember the last time I bought a new dress.
  • 1 super cute new green sweater- too cute for words. Time for fall!
  • 1 little white short sleeve knit.
  • 1 phone call to Gina telling her that I couldn't stop picking out clothes to buy. She didn't stop me either. I need to start calling someone other than Gina when I need damage control.
  • 1 phone call to Dave saying, "Honey, I passed my final. Yea me! (insert sweet, little girl voice) Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I bought myself a couple of things...." :) (the sweet voice works every time!)


Anonymous said...

Seven Jeans for $15??? Did they have any men's styles ... WOW.

I love a good bargain!

Samantha said...

lol. jeans guy.
Congrats Damie!!! I think you should put your final on the fridge. I did that once, but then I realized I live by myself and its really not as fun when there's nobody else there to look at it.

gonna go pick up my car now from yesterday mornings boo boo. haha.

Jan said...

way to go damie! 91 is awesome! and i think the shopping is well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Oh a girl after my own heart...SWEET! You worked hard for that shopping reward!

Anonymous said...

Congrats bird. A 91 is awesome. I knew you would come to the dark side of not being a school nerd sooner or later to bad it was at SHC and you went out with us more. Joking. Congrats again and keep up the hard work. love ya, p

Mel said...

AWESOME job on your final that TOTALLY deserves a little sweet shopping!!!!

Laura said...

You kick arse girl! You deserve some new stuff :) Oh, and I totally agree with Sam, put your final on the fridge!

BTW, is that why you called me last night? To stop your shopping spree? I'm sorry to say that I would have been as much help as Gina especially since one of my mottos (stolen from a Barenaked Ladies song) is - 'when the going gets rough, shop with somebody tough!'

Marit C-L said...

Yea! Congratulations - awesome job. You deserve the reward! And it's not settling - it's working your butt off to earn a great grade in a tough course! You did it - good for you!

Eileen Swanson said...

WHAT? Sevens for 15 bucks? That is AWESOME! I just spent $$$ on mine. Yikes, need to go shopping with you next time. Congrats on your final ;-) WOOHOO!!


Samantha said...

Hey! when my training schedule is updated for next week (which should be by sunday) I'll let you know when my upcoming rides are. ttyl!!!

Lee said...

Way to go Dame!!!!! Fridge?? Pin it to your back when you run! : ) Proud of you kiddo!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Wooowhooo! No more Neuro III! Seriously, B's are great! That's what the "normal people with a life" get. I laughed when I got my transcripts the other day. The first two semesters were straight A's and then it was mostly B's with some A's thrown in here and there (until I got to clinicals, then it was A's again). That stinks that a 91% is a B in that course. Rip off! I got an A in Neuro I by the skin of my teeth. I think my average was 90.05%. That was the hardest final I ever had in PT school because the course was taught by the Chair of our department.
Congrats! And smart move going shopping to reward yourself! We'll have another reason to drink margarita's next Saturday night after the BDB century!