Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fit City Triathlon Race Report

My morning started off in hectic fashion.  You would think a local race would be so much easier logistically, but not for me!  I overslept by 30 minutes this morning.  Snooze, snooze, off.  Oh yea, I have a race this morning.  Shoot!  Then I get half way to the race and (thankfully) realize I didn't pack bike shoes.  So, a phone call to my sleeping husband and some coercion to meet me halfway in his boxers, I finally get to the race with everything I need to at least start the race. Never mind that I get the worst spot in the back of transition for being late.  Shoot.  

Then, I get my TT number- 124.  No problem normally, except that all of the girls I want to race with are in the top 20, and I was told I would be seeded up there too.  So, that meant I was starting way behind and would probably never see any of the women I wanted to catch.  On a positive note, it also meant I had a chance to just work on passing people on the bike.  So, I looked at the higher number as a challenge and gift.  

Swim:  We had the option of diving or jumping off of the pier.  I knew I should probably jump, but I was like f* it I am going to dive!  Super fun!  I thought I was working really hard in the swim.  I didn't have anyone to draft, but I felt that I was swimming a great, straight line and I was working hard.  I was bummed to see my time when I climbed up the ladder at the end.  That is not what I wanted to see after all of the hard work in the pool!  But, I quickly shook it off and ran to my bike.  Official time 16:29.  I did not know how fast the other girls came out of the water, but I saw later that I had come out of the water 12th.  I swear I go to swim practice!

Bike:  My legs felt like crap, as usual for the first 20 minutes.  I was hoping to catch at least one familiar woman on the bike, but there were none to be found.  So, I just worked as hard as I could to pass anyone I could find.  The ride was hilly, but I kept reminding myself that I have been riding hills well lately.  I had some fun with one guy, a clydesdale, that kept passing me down hill.  Then I would turn around and pass him going up a hill.  He told me that fat is faster downhill when he passed me once, and that cracked me up.  Then he said he didn't mind riding behind me on the uphills because I have a nice butt.  Sounds good to me, and it made me laugh :)   
On a special note, my papa was the guy on the motorcycle that lead the first bike rider out and then circled the field to make sure no one needed help.  I did give him a big wave when he passed me.  It was his first time to ever see me race, and I don't think he saw much of it!  

But, I made one mistake on the bike today.  As I rounded the corner to the dismount, I saw a photographer.  I immediately looked over and smiled.  Then, I thought shit, shit!  And I looked away.  I hope he didn't get me smiling.  How could I have forgotten so soon!  Dern it!  My bike ended up being my best event of the day 1:05:55.  This was good enough for 3rd place woman on the bike, and I was only 24 seconds back from a really good female rider here in Memphis.  

Run:  I enter the run and still have no clue where I rank, who has finished, or what is going on in front of me.  There are really no out and backs on this course, so I just kept telling myself to push it till the end.  I stopped at mile one, and yes, peed on myself.  I had to go so bad, and now that I figured this trick out, it is just too easy.  If you ever see me stop at a water stop, you know exactly what I am doing.  The run was a 4 mile trail run (4+ miles, I am sure).  It is a tough run, but I love that you are in the shade with the challenge of the terrain.  I fell one time flat on my face when I tried to let someone pass me on the left (too nice of me, I know- next time I won't pull over:)  When I got up, I was at the bottom of a huge hill and the wind was totally knocked out of my sails.  It was so hard to get my legs to run again.  But, I didn't let up the whole run.  I decided that no matter what my splits said, I was not going to give up because the run was probably hard for everyone.  I knew I was not running as fast as I wanted to run, but I kept putting positive thoughts and visions in my head.    

Towards the end of the run, I passed a fellow teammate, Lesley Brainard.  She is one of the best triathletes here in Memphis.  She hurt her ankle on the trail run and had to hobble in with her husband.  It is never fun to see such a great athlete hurt, but I am proud of her for finishing the race no matter what.  

Oh, and this time I pass all of the cameras and do not smile.  But, I had to make such a conscious effort to refrain from smiling and waving.  What is wrong with me!  I am a camera hog!  Final run time, 32:36- 4th run overall.  

So, my reward for surviving the swim, suffering on the bike, and not giving up on the run was....

3rd female overall!  

Damie and Sarah post race.  Sarah won first in her age group- she also smoked the swim as the first woman at 12:14.  Yes, she was a full 4+ minutes faster than me on the swim.  Unreal!

And, I never win anything in door prizes, but today I won a pair of Tifosi sun glasses- I love Tifosi so I was really pumped.  

Today was a good day for me.  As usual, I have a multitude of things to work on, but they are really all long term and I don't expect them to get better overnight.  I am continuing to look at the big picture with my goals (finish IMFL), and I can keep working on the shorter stuff next year.  I am glad that I was able to have a better attitude about competing today and had a little more spirit in me.  And, as usual, I am always amazed at the talent out at the races.  Boy there are some fast women...I am in awe!  


Jan said...

go damie! third overall is incredible! i'm proud of ya!

Lee said...

Hey meanie!! You did very well out there. That is a tough run. Way to go Sparkie!!!!!! I'm proud of you. Pretty cool that your Dad was out there as well. GIVE ME those sunglasses! ;-)

Philip said...

Nice job. Be glad you had a Clydesdale to laugh with. I had two girls that I played cat and mouse with between miles 5 and 20 when they finally pulled away from me.

Samantha said...

I think I cursed myself when I commented that I'd never crashed before...cuz it happened today and I hurt...but then I thought of you and got back on and finished the ride/run. I'll post more about it in a bit. my left hand is a bit disfunctional at the moment. lol. I'll be okay though and ready to race this weekend.

Congrats on your finish!!! 3rd is awesome.

moremittenz said...

good job girl! of course, we won't be happy now until you get at least second overall ;)

Mary Eggers said...


Mel said...

3rd place overall...GOOD wonder you could not find the people you were looking for to pass...BECAUSE you were up in front:) AT smiling at the camera..I think you should smile seem to be able to smile and still be speedy so good combo to poo faces:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Way to rock it to third place! How cool was it that your Dad was out there...good times!

Laura said...

Awesome job Damie! You Rock big time (but we all knew that already.... ;)

Joy said...

You ARE a fast girl. :) xoxo

Samantha said...

I will admit...last night I was in a bit of a hurry so I hadn't actually read your blog when I made my last comment. I've definitely played cat and mouse on the downhills and uphills too with the bigger people. haha. It's no fair that they can't fly like that :( haha.

ps. way to should make an ugly face like me. haha.

Anonymous said...

YEAHHHH DAMIE!!! I mean, that award you won is BIGGER Than you! :) hee hee...YOU worked hard for this one - ENJOY these! :) Jen H.