Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Heart Charlie

I deleted my recent post- a plea to fitness to come back to me like a long lost lover.  In its place, I am posting a tribute to Charlie Duke.

Charlie B Duke III (sounds smart, doesn't it?)

Chemist extraordinaire... he went to work the other morning to check on his molecules!
Member of Terrapin Racing (we won't hold that against him, though).
Awesome cyclist (and runner...and swimmer)
Always has a smile- I have never seen him in a bad mood
The kind of person that won't let anyone get dropped, even though he could ride about 7 mph faster than the current pace, on a fixed gear bike
Member of the coffee club (our post Master's Swim decompression)
Attendee of my birthday party- thank goodness or it would've been too much estrogen
Future finisher of Ironman USA
And, good friend.  

He would never tell me I am out of shape (wink wink).  He is a firm believer in my abilities as an athlete.  This is a much better post than my whining satire about my loss of fitness.  


CBD said...

I preferred the previous post ;-)

Joy said...

I heart Charlie too! Sorry I missed Coffee Club this morning. :(