The start of the night: Becca, Laura, Damie, Kristin at the Beau Rivage...headed to the wedding. Why is everyone tanner than I? Ok, Becca admitted to having a fake tan. I never knew I was so pale!
My college girlfriends....let's get the party started! This is 7 out of 10 of us- everyone lives all over the country.
Gombos in true form.
There is a story behind the pashminas. There was a $15 store (no, not a $1 store, a $15 store where everything costs $15) at the casino selling these. When we realized it was an outdoors reception, a couple of us went to go buy one so we wouldn't be cold. When we got to the wedding, everyone had on the same pashmina! A bunch of us went at separate times and got one- not realizing every other friend would have one! We all got different colors too. I don't know, seemed funny after a couple of drinks!
I am home now. The ride home stunk- my body is soooooo tired. I had such a great time this weekend with my friends. Congratulations to Aerin and Reed!
OH MY GOSH - SOO cute! We had the MOST opposite weekends, DAMIE! I was racing and in high alert and high in pasta and you were living 'la vida loca!!!!' Glad you had a great time!! JenH. :)
Great girlfriends are some of the greatest gifts! So glad you had a great time with your friends, and I'm so glad to have you in my life! (sorry, mushy...) Hope you're in town this weekend to meet my best friend from home!
Yep who is the hard core triathlete? hmmmm? Nice watch!
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