Thursday, September 24, 2020

Racing In The Time of Covid

Why race postpartum?  It....

1.  Decreases isolation

2. Forces a harder effort 

3. Takes a bit more guilt away from running.  You can't just cut your run short and run home to take care of the baby!

4.  If done consistently, gives you a way to see a little progress, when day to day training can be so variable postpartum dependent on sleep, breastfeeding, hormones, and constant physical changes.  

I used the "race my way into shape" plan post Isla, and it worked well.  This time, not so much.  There were many reasons for this, including the loss of actual racing in person.  I also raced 14 times post Isla in the first year vs 6 times post Luke.   But here is what I did do in the past 11 months to create some race experiences and the progress I have seen this year.

October - January:  NO running for 12 weeks.  This was a much longer time than I took with Isla, but I had more damage after this delivery.

February:  Mardi Gras 5k.  My first 3 miles non-stop.  27:50 (8:55 pace)

February:  Atlanta 5k.  Much hillier and harder 5k, but making progress.  26:29 (8:33 pace)

Publix Atlanta 5k

March:  Covid-19 starts cancelling races 

April:  Virtual Crescent City Classic 10k/ "The Corona 10k:  Running the Social Distance:"    My first and only virtual race.  Virtual racing is not a favorite format for me, but since I had already signed up for the original race, I invited some girls from my neighborhood to run a 10k with me, and we called it The Corona 10k.  I really wanted a CCC10k poster from the race, and I knew I had to submit a time under 55 minutes.  I found a friend that was just the right pace to stay about 50 yards ahead of me and let me try to keep catching her.   I got my poster, even though it was an odd way to get it.  Next year I am getting one in person!  53:57 (8:40 pace)

"Running the Social Distance 10k"  

Just starting to figure out this whole social distance thing.   

June: Q50 Run to the Hills 10 trail mile run:  Trail 10 miler- first time to run the distance.  Slight negative split which always makes me happy.

Run to the Hills 10 miler:  Dave legitimately beats me, again.  And while I still hold all of the overall house records and overall wins vs Dave, I know this brings him some small pleasure to see me so far behind.  Ha ha!!!

July:  The Siege 12+++ trail mile run:  This was the race that reminded me that as a postpartum, breastfeeding mom I needed to eat and drink constantly in 100 degree heat index.  I kind of pooped out at the end of this one with dehydration, but had fun nonetheless.

Legit time trial, masked, social distance start on the trails.  At least we got to run with other people!

August:  Q50 Races Bleau Moon 10 mile trail run:  Night time 10 mile on the trails.   I am solidly mid pack still and no where near placing, but this I finally felt like I was pushing as working as hard as I could the whole time, which was rewarding.
Heading out for my night time trail race.  Dad gets to stay home with the kiddos.  Yay!!!!

This season was obviously not ideal for many reasons.  By 11 months postpartum my first go around, I was back to racing triathlon and my running races were much, much faster.  I think I had already completed 3 half marathons and 1 marathon by this point!  (plus a whole lot of other races!)  

BUT, this time around, I have also spent a lot of time with Luke and enjoyed my baby.  I also did not force myself to train through the New Orleans summer, which somehow is worse than a Memphis summer.  I have also slept in many mornings with Luke.  I gave myself some grace.  So, I am slower, but I am also not overcooked or burning my mom candle at both ends.  

And lastly, I am carrying around a lot of extra weight still.  Is is breastfeeding hormones?  Is it my 42 years of age and my hormonal changes and night sweats?  Is it lack of sleep?  Is my decent diet just not good enough anymore and I need to be way better?  Is it the muscle loss I have experienced?  OR is it just that I gained so much weight this pregnancy it is going to be really hard to get it all off (45# if you are wondering)?  I am trying to be gentle on myself, do good things everyday to nudge myself in the right direction, give myself more time, and give myself a pat on the back for not giving up.  

Last race for the completion of my first year postpartum coming up in 2 weeks.  It is a little 5k, and I just hope to be faster and more comfortable than I was with my first 5k.  I'll put a little report up, and hopefully I will feel encouraged that even though this recovery and return is taking much longer my second time around, it is still moving in the right direction.  

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