Friday, March 17, 2017

Delayed RR Rock N Roll Half Marathon

My first "race of 2017" was a bust.  I signed up not thinking I would knock it out of the park, but hoping that it would just motivate me to claw my way to some fitness.  I didn't have any real inclination to run a half marathon, but my new running friends in my neighborhood were running it and I thought it would be good for me to just show up.  So, in February I ran a half marathon.

I ran the race perfectly, meaning I negative split it by each section.  So, that is a positive.  If nothing else, I know how to pace myself in almost every category of fitness. 

Other than that, it was my second worst time by seconds only to my very first half marathon around 15 years ago.  Even my half marathon 4 months post c-section as a breast feeding mom was faster. 

And I just felt awful.  9:30 min/mile, which was my initial pace, felt terrible.  I think I ended up averaging 8:45ish for the run overall. It is not that I expected anything different.  I had many months off from consistent running, and the running I was doing was with friends that run about a 12:30min/mile pace.  It is just how awful running has felt for the past years and the knocking on so many doors to figure out what is wrong and not being able to find it.  Frustrating indeed.  

And I did not feel motivated or inspired after I finished, which was odd.  It was one of those, "why race?" days.  I wasn't fit, didn't have fun, wasn't sure what I was gaining from it.  (None of those are true, and honestly I gained a lot in the way of friendship by supporting my friends who were running, including a first time half-marathoner who I helped create a plan to get her to the finish line).  

There was nothing to post on this.  Hi everyone!  I felt terrible, just like I did all of 2016.  I am getting slower by the day.  Yee-haw!

But, I can finish this post by saying that I am getting ready to go for a run right this second on a beautiful day and do feel that things are going to swing my way again.  Lately I have been feeling better.  I have had a few runs where I don't feel completely awful.  I feel hopeful, which makes me completely happy.  

What I have lost in speed I have gained x 100 in new friends during my move.  I have certainly been blessed in my life with amazing people.  This is part of my running group in my new neighborhood, including two first time half marathoners.  

Long time friend, Shawn, from Little Rock, Arkansas.  He is a marathon maniac, literally, as in part of that club and every time I turn around he is at a marathon. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mardi Gras 2017

Oops I did it again...
I didn't post.

But seriously.  The past two months have been wild.  We closed on a house and moved.  My father-in-law had a bad stroke.  Dave and I started coaching again.  Mardi Gras arrived.  Every minute seemed to be spoken for before it arrived.

We have survived and are looking forward to some low-key days, even just for a second.  Here are just a few pictures of the Mardi Gras season to catch up on the blog.

Mardi Gras 2017!

 Algiers Point Parade with my family and all of the kiddos.  Have I told you how awesome my neighborhood is?
 Krewe Du Vieux with long time friend Becca, Phyllis and Dave
 Nyx Parade 2017- I brought home two elusive Nyx purses!  Thanks Carole and Hilary!
 Muses 2017....we got a much sought after Muses shoe!!!  Gracias Nadine!  So awesome!
Off to Endymion as a family

In my happy place and wearing funky clothes. :)

Fat Tuesday in the Quarter- Mother Forker and my friend Bella/Cotton Candy 

So we had great costumes this year- funny and smart.  We were "Meet the Forkers."  We had clean and dirty forks (ex:  clean forks- May The Fork Be With You, Fork In The Road.  Dirty forks- Mother Forker, Cluster Fork, Who Gives a Fork.......)  The were Out-Forking Standing!  

At some point during Fat Tuesday, I was walking in the French Quarter, watching insanely excessive partying, partying a bit myself, and I had the most sobering yet funny thought:  "OMG- it has just hit me why I cannot get in shape to race.  Look at me!  I am parading through the Quarter as a fork!!!  No wonder!!!!!"   It was a funny realization.  I have my work cut out for me, and I will have to slow down my extra curricular life a bit if I ever want to race again.  Being back in Nola makes me feel 20 again...more on that in another post.  But my world is certainly different here than it was for the past 10 years in Memphis.  

This was Isla after about 3 weeks of Mardi Gras partying.  I swear I felt the same way- otherworldly overstimulation followed by happy exhaustion.