Thursday, August 18, 2016

Other than training/racing:

Other than training/racing:

-  Just went to my first bookclub in my new neighborhood.  My first thought is that Dave and I really picked an amazing neighborhood to live.  There is so much life here.

-The book we read was Boys In The Boat, and I highly, highly recommend it.  What did I get out of it?  Funny, but it wasn't the training, psychology of an Olympian, or athletic inspiration.  It was actually reading about how poor people were in the depression and how HARD they worked with every minute of their day available.  I suddenly felt incredibly lazy.  Well, after reading this book, I decided to take on extra work babysitting when Isla is out of school and I have to stay home with her.  If I can't earn money that day being a PT, I can earn it doing other things.  They book really pushed me to think outside the box with my time as it applies to earning a living.  So, here I am today...BABYSITTING another kid while I have Isla, and I feel great about it!

- I started a women's running group in my neighborhood way earlier than anyone should get up.  And the group is FAITHFUL.  We have all different levels, and it is just fantastic.  I am pumped I put myself out there to get something going as a new resident here.  Really, I love it here.  And, I love my new friends.

- Some great podcasts:  Bobbi Gibb interview and Neal Barnard, MD.  Check them out!

- Speaking of which


And how do I even start on this.  I just can't take anymore damn bacon, meat, and dairy pushing.  Do I unfriend people?  Stop following them?  I only hate to do that because I want to be friends with everyone.  Then I wonder, do I?  Do I want to be friends with someone that promotes these the face of INSANE cruelty?  Do you really think that cow on your cookbook is snuggling with that little girl?  EVER?  That they have ever had a kind human touch?  What propaganda!  And Americans buy it!  Can you be a really great and kind person without striving to be kinder to ALL creatures?  It is really hard on my soul to read things on social media.  I also even got a message from a friend yesterday chastising me for not eating meat.  I started down this path when I was 14!!!!!! LOL on the funny message on how I will find food to eat without meat.

So I wrestle with this.  And believe me, it is hard.   Because I am certainly NOT PERFECT. I am striving, but not there.  I am trying to be better, failing a ton, but marching on.  My husband eats meat, but I know that after almost 20 years together it hurts him more, maybe just the tiniest bit, to do it.  Other people close to me blatantly brag and throw in my face their meat consumption.  Can you really be an educated person if you refuse to look at what factory farming does to animals?  If you turn a blind eye... I mean, really...isn't it just as bad as what happened with slavery...or with the Jewish in Germany?   but those are PEOPLE, Damie.  Hm.  Well, I dare you to listen to any sound bite of an animal tortured in factory farming and tell me if you don't hear a soul in their cries.

But besides that.  Don't argue with me on the "virtues" of meat as food.  Read the research.  And not what crossfit tells you.  Please, people.  Seriously?  But you know, tweet all you want about bacon and your steak for dinner.  But the minute someone that does not eat meat says a word about vegetarianism or veganism, everyone gets put out.  It is definitely not an open, honest, and loving playing field.  And believe me, I know that if anyone was reading this post anyway, I lost 90% of readers when I started talking about this.  That is the way it is.  But it doesn't have to be.  In the face of being educated our whole lives from teachers to commercials with how to eat animals, I can see why people just don't want to look at something in a different way.  Our culture has forced us into carnism like it is a religion.

So, I never want to push plant based eating on anyone.  We obviously have choices, and everyone has to make their own.  No one needs a preacher.  But, I am tired of being in a place where I am just forced to surrender to everyone pushing meat.  How do I separate myself from this and invite more positivity into my life on this front?

-  So then, I come to this place.  What to do with social media and such for the future.  What does it hold for me?  I think a lesser place in my life.  An advantage of it is keeping up with far away friends.  But I think there is more hidden stress in social media than I really even know.  (Of course there is tons of stress that is also in your face).

- This weekend...Def Leppard/REO Speedwagon/Tesla.  I am SO excited  I have listened to the album, Hysteria, more times than I can count.  I still play it when I run.

-Our house has not sold, and that stinks.  I asked my mom to bury a St. Joseph in the yard for me to help it sell.  Every bit helps!

- Isla has not been sick in months,  even with going to multiple daycares, and this is a huge deal.  We have been on antibiotics practically every couple of months for the first couple of years of her life.  This is the longest stretch she has had without sickness, and it has just been awesome.  She will even have a snotty nose and clear it a few days later without getting an ear or sinus infection.  So awesome!  Of course she stopped eating 2 days ago and has been crying non-stop for 48 hours, so my luck may have just run out.  But still, something about the move to New Orleans has really helped her.  Maybe less allergies?

Ah.  that is all.  It is a nice mouthful.  Too bad I am not training, as the posts are shorter and sweeter :)


Joy said...

You know I am totally with you about the meat eating. I think most people are able to separate themselves from the actual animal they are eating. I cannot, and that is why I rarely eat any, even if it is humanely raised, or whatever Whole Foods measures it with (I do appreciate their effort).

I need to hear about Def Leppard. So jealous I just can't even. :)

elizabeth said...

I eat meat, but I have zero desire to push it on anyone else and I do not eat a lot of it. A part of me wonders if you feel that pressure because of where you live (South) and the friends/acquaintances you have on social media. I don't feel any pressure to eat meat, but I know I felt limited in my plant based options when I was living in South Carolina. On the West Coast, I don't feel any stigma on vegetarianism or veganism. I also feel like there are SO many plant options out here.

Damie said...

totally! Yes, Elizabeth! Exactly. It is very, very, very cultural here. The south is very hunting and fishing heavy. Food is like a second religion. There was a Rich Roll podcast with Josh L that talked about his journey to veganism and the difficulty living in Louisiana for him. Thanks for pointing that out!