Saturday, April 30, 2016

Spreaglet's Getting Big

Mom life is center stage around here these days.  With the big move, I have had an increase in travel, single parenting, and making our days work.  I dream of big training and racing.  I really do.  I feel it coming for me right around the corner.  But for now, it is all family, family, and family.  (Sometimes I sandwich a 30 min run between work and daycare pickup.  I am trying to keep something going during this transitional time!  And while I hate to dream and not take action, I know this downtime is probably exactly what I need!) Here are the latest snaps of #Spreaglet :)
Parenting fail- Isla got a hold of my makeup...the expensive powder kind Sephora (thanks to my generous sister).  It was all over her and the floor.  But so cute too!
Whose child is this?  My girlie girl picked out her own accessories and a purse before going to a party.
We had some good days picking blackberries at Mema's house.  
My animal lover explored the duck area at City Park.  
I gave her a full ice cream cone for the first time (a bit of bribery for a good ride from New Orleans to Memphis).  I can't believe she didn't get it everywhere.  
I took Isla to the showing of "Kiss the Rock" featuring my friend Billy, 10 x Hard Rock 100 finisher.  
All of the other kids were quiet and calm...but not mine, as usual.  She was running around, wrestling me, melting down.  And, we left little early, as usual, when the battery ran down to zero.  My sister said the other day that no one posts about their kids acting up, melting down, misbehaving, etc..  Well, let me just say, and anyone that has been around us can attest:  my child is work.  She is awesome, but she is not an easy going, chill child.  She is full on, wants what she wants, and throws fits constantly.  I don't even flinch anymore when she throws herself on the ground of a restaurant because she pottied four hours ago and doesn't feel like going again.  Isla is brilliant, kind, beautiful, smart, loving, and amazing.  She is also headstrong and can whine with the best of them.  So, for all of those parents needing reassurance from other parents- here it is!  You are not alone.  

But- the coolest thing we have done lately...horseback riding lessons!!!  Aunt Bekah gave us some horseback riding lessons for Christmas.  The instructor did not think Isla, at 2-years-old, would get on a horse and complete a session.  Well....she is my child after all! Here are pictures from her first lesson. (And boy do I really, really need a camera.  My old broken phone camera is no good!)

I knew all of those nail painting sessions at home would pay off.  
First lesson- learning to sit tall and stop a horse without help.  
And not sure how this happened, but my 2-year-old practiced the jump position.  Seriously??!!!  
My horse girl

And then we had lesson #2

Ready to ride!
Blurry pic of my girl having fun.
Isla practicing her up/down position with trotting.
Oh, a 2-year-old on bareback- why not?  
We invited her cousin to come watch the horses, but he wanted to just play in the puddles.  Of course that is where we ended up too.  

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