Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thank You, 2015

Thank you for a whole bunch of post baby running PRs, a course PR, and a real PR!  So there is hope after all!
My first post baby PR of the year at the Little Rock Half Marathon.

Thank you for inspiring me to run a marathon after a 7 year lay-off, and rewarding me with a Boston Qualifier.
Ah.  Thank you for letting me cross this goal off of my list.  

Thank you for allowing me to serve on some wonderful teams as an athlete and ambassador:  Wattie Ink, Los Locos Racing, and Enell.  Thank you for so many amazing sponsors:  Breakaway Running, Outdoors Inc, Blue Seventy, Powerbar, MarcPro, ISM Saddles, and Herbalife24.  I have no right to any of this as a random age group athlete, but I sure am appreciative.

Thank you for bringing me new training partners that get up with the moon.

Thank you for new racing adventures.
A little Spartan Race to break from the norm.

Thank you for the health of my family.

Thank you for making this guy a part of my life for 19 years now.
Our 10 year wedding anniversary March 2015

Thank you for an accidental swim PR.  Sometimes I need things like that to keep me going.
I have no clue how I set a mile swim PR on this morning.  

Thank you for the hard races, and they were all hard.  It taught me that even when I am out of shape, miserable, and hurting beyond what feels healthy, that I am still not doing that poorly, and I just have to gut out the tough years.
Oh, Nola 70.3  This was such a miserable race for me.  Little did I know every race in 2015 would follow suit.  

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to travel a little bit this year.
The beautiful Elk Lake in Bend, Oregon.

Thank you for giving me opportunities to share so many things with Isla.  My heart is filled with joy when Isla reads books, talks about runners, spouts off the golden rules of kindness to animals, asks to help pick up trash at races, etc...  I treasure every single minute I get to spend with her.

Big plans for 2016!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Happy New Year Damie. Some people all but disappeared, glad you didn't.

My best to you and yours. :)

Take care. :)