Sunday, July 26, 2015

More Running

Running, running, and more running!  It has been so much fun.  I am loving the adventure, the camaraderie, and  the work!

 (insert random Isla picture for good measure :)

It has mostly been going very well, but I am having the off workout as well.  Today I had a slug fest of a workout that did not go anywhere near to plan.  I had scheduled another fast finish long run (warm up miles, marathon paced miles, last few miles as hard as I can go).  I nailed this run a few weeks ago.  Today I just suffered in the heat and had to reconfigure my run when I realized there was no way I could do faster miles when I was not able to hold marathon pace without frequent stops for water, calming down nausea, and shaking out cramps.  I wondered how in the world I ever completed super hot half ironman and ironman distance successfully!  I am hoping for a break in the weather in less than 50 days.  That may be too much to ask, and if it is hot for the marathon...well, that is what I get for signing up for one early in the fall.  I know better!

But what I love is the the older and wiser me just views today's run as "practice."  It was an opportunity to do a big run, and while I didn't nail it, I did get a lot out of it....if nothing else, 17 miles.  I didn't truly hit my planned paces, but I don't view that as failure.  It was just a chance to practice for my marathon, and I will have more opportunities to practice.  Training really does equal practice in our sport.  We are practicing to get better and improve performance.  The training is not the end to the process, it is simply just an opportunity.  So whether a session is spot on or way off, I think it is good to see it as just another chance to practice our craft. 
More fun with Isla...start them young at the pool table and they will forever hold their own in the college bar.  :)
The rest of the weekend has looked like normal....aka...CRAZY!  I did a bike ride on Saturday where my pedal broke off.  I had suspected something was wrong, but was "too busy" to get it to the shop.  Thankfully my teammate pushed me up the hills while I one-legged pedaled back to the city.  That was quite the workout for my right leg.

Then it was baby shower time with my "back row girls" from PT school.  I just love these friends so much. 

And....then more running, more time with family, and more activities with my non-stop 2-year-old.  I HEART the weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Don't heart the weekend too much, tomorrow is Mobday you know. :)

Glad your doing good. You have a fun personality. :)

Take care. :)