Sunday, November 9, 2014

Links of the Week

It is past my bedtime, but I am not sure I where I want to sleep tonight.  Isla came home with a fever on Friday from school and hasn't eaten all weekend, although she has been in good spirits and doesn't seem sick.  Dave now has some sort of stomach bug, and I am scared to go into our bedroom.  So....sleeping with the dogs?  I figured this was as good as time as any to blog.  

Links of the week!
  • Jen and Liz newest podcast.  These two are always a favorite of mine, and again they do not disappoint!  Smart ladies- awesome coaches.  Check them out.  
  • The thing I love most about Angela is her willingness to just put it all out there-pure guts-no excuses.  Check out her amazing  2:46 marathon report here. 
  • is having a 20% off sale with code CATS.  This is a great time to get some grab bag suits! 
  •  I am passionate about animals, no doubt.  I bet you didn't know that I was the Environmental Club President in highschool as well as a PETA member.  I haven't had a hamburger since I was 14 years old.  Part of my journey as an adult has been to continue to improve my own life by reducing the cruelty that penetrates it (food, clothing, etc), teach my daughter to love animals and the earth, and find a way to make a big contribution to changing the way we treat animals.  It is a work in progress, and I am no where close to where I want to be.  I am not perfect, and I battle daily to make decisions that are ethical and sustainable for me.  I encourage you to listen to this podcast with    Rich Roll with Lisa Lange of PETA.  I realize that not everyone feels the way I do about animals, and many of you are content to eat meat and don't want to know about the enormous amount of pain and suffering that humans inflict on animals to deliver put that steak on the plate.  But, I encourage you to listen to this podcast just to increase your education and open your mind a tiny bit.  I think willingness to learn is a good thing, and this podcast is a good place to start, even if you don't feel inclined to changing anything in your life.   
  • And in line with my views on being compassionate, I am not going to link any Endurance Planet or Bob Babbitt interviews for a bit.  After listening to them gush about how a bacon sponsorship is the coolest thing on earth, I wonder if they would be willing to go to said sponsor's farms and watch the torture those animals endure for the "cool" factor of bacon.  Seriously. 

Have a great week everyone!!!  Wish me some luck that the virus passes me by!  


Steve said...

I am with you Damien. :)

Steve said...

Meant Damie ha!! Spell check. :).

Anonymous said...

The meat debate is hard. I do eat meat, I have a hard time with it (mentally) and try my best to only consume organic meat products. The thing is, I could absolutely not eat meat and be fine, I am not emotionally attached to the tastes of meat, I am more attached to the animals. However, I have a VERY hard time if I do not consume meat, my body really struggles and that's something I've had to settle on for the short term fix on being able to function. And I eat far more veggies than I do meat, I am no where near Paleo in my consumption. I absolutely respect your views, you will find a nice balance for you as will I. I am working on it, sustainability in several facets of life, you can only imagine how our consumer goods wreaks havoc on our environment. This is why I am in grad school. :) xo

Angela and David said...

Thanks for the link! And I really respect how you hold yourself accountable for what you believe in. I eat meat (I was vegetarian back in high school and thru college) and like ER, I find it hard to stay healthy (especially my bones) without it. Although truthfully, these days I eat meat more out of convenience than anything else. Like most things, I find I am able to get by from day to day by keeping my head in the sand with respect to most issues because otherwise I find it all paralyzing. If I let my mind go and really thinking about all that goes on in the world and how I might play a role in that cycle, it overwhelms me. So not a good excuse for not taking a position or stand on things like animal cruelty, poverty, sweat shops, etc. but the truth about what ends up happening for me on a day to day basis. I try to make donations or volunteer to counter balance all of that but it's not enough and not the message I want to send my kids. Damn it Damie, now you have my mind going on a Monday morning!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Thanks for the shout out, Damie! :) Having a good time for sure.