Friday, October 3, 2014

Weekend Time

Whew! A week has passed! I have been so busy that I can hardly keep up. 

Some good news- I think we are making some good progress on healing my spine.  I had a great consultation with some spine specialists, and they think I received the wrong diagnosis last year, which resulted in me performing a bunch of exercises that were promoting the injury rather than healing it.  Basically, I was originally treated for a disc issue, but it seems to be the opposite issue, and I have "kissing spines."  (we are going to do some imaging in the next few weeks to make sure I don't have a spondylolisthesis).   I increased the lordosis of my lumbar spine when I was pregnant.  Add in a c-section and ligament laxity from hormones, and my poor back just needed a little extra attention before I did some of the swim training and band only work that was prescribed.  BTW, kissing spines is seen most often in swimmers (ding ding!) so if you have low back pain that has an onset with swimming, this diagnosis would be worth checking out. 

And actually, I am improving now that I have stopped all extension exercises and have changed a few things around.  I am starting to be able to swim the full session, and the onset of pain is getting pushed back further every day.  Yippee! 

In other news, I am hitting some good times with my tempo runs.  It is good to see some progress sprinkled in my weeks.  I also hit a new running stroller PR as I was almost late picking up Isla after work.  Nothing like a little fear of being that "late mom" to make me pick up the pace.   
I have to be honest, neither Isla nor I really like running with the jogging stroller.  She is bored, uncomfortable, and cranky.  I  don't find it pleasurable.  So, we do 2-3 miles max from time to time- sometimes I will pick her up from school in it so I can get in a few miles.  Some kids can just chill in those things for hours, but my kiddo is not one of them

Isla has been super busy making friends and having fun.  What an amazing and sweet girl she is!  I love, love, love her.  She is running everywhere and climbing on everything.  She is talking up a storm, and it is just so fun to listen to her.  We have a bush in our front yard that attracts bees, and every day on the way to school she will say "bye bye bees!" when we pass the bush.  So sweet!  She also cracks me up as she wants to change diapers on all of her stuffed animals because they have "poo poo"...or better yet, when she goes to the toilet to say "bye bye poo poo!"  LOL!  She keeps me loving and laughing.   

Isla had Sullivan over last Saturday...her first friend to ever come to our house for a play date.  Loved it!
Later that morning, she went to the zoo with another friend, Hadley.  Sweet girls!  How cute are these two?
A trip to the playground with Piper rounded out the day.  I think I was more tired than she was!

Our weekends stay busy, and I can't believe another one is already here!  I am going to see if I can convince Isla to chill so we can rest.  :)  And next up on the races?  10 miler this weekend.  Hard and hilly- should be fun!

1 comment:

emily said...

I love seeing that girl grow up!