Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Midway Point

I have made it through the 1st 10k of the Road Race Series.  I wish I had some amazing report to give, but everything is really just blah.  I am in that place where I am not improving, and I am really just kind of barely shuffling through the paces.  (translation:  I am not fit).  I think I secretly expected to be in a different place by now.  I think I really thought I would just magically run faster.  It certainly does not work that way!
This is a horrible pic, but I felt as bad as it looks, so it is truthful :)

I am happy to just be out there, so it is not a huge deal that I am static in my running.  Every morning I race and run, I treat it as a gift, because it is!!!  But, I do know I am nowhere near my capabilities, and that can get frustrating.  It is hard to race when I am not fit!  When I signed up for the series, Gina and I talked about making sure we kept the series in perspective and not get caught up in trying to PR, go faster each race, and search for our old times.  We were really doing this to have some friend time, get miles in, and force ourselves to pick up the pace for some long term gain for winter racing.  I did feel pretty frustrated Sunday, but Gina held me accountable to my original goals. 
 Isla saw a picture of runners on Sunday and pointed to it, said "mommy!," and looked at me!  It was awesome to see that my kid identified me with a group of runners.  That was all of the motivation I needed to keep at it.  (She has also found the dusty box of medals to wear around the house.)

14 months post baby, the barriers to fitness for me include:  lack of sleep/recovery (thank you, Isla, for the multiple wake-up calls at night :), continued hormonal changes with breast feeding, little niggling injuries (leg), and major body issues (back, sciatic pain).  I realize that these barriers are slowly getting lower, but may take a while longer to hurdle completely.  I imagine that by the time I have recovered my body, I will get pregnant again.  LOL! 

On the flip side, 14 months post baby, the improvements to my fitness journey include:  a more solid work schedule so I can plan some training, the ability to have more control over my meals, no more baby weight, decreased feelings of guilt when leaving Isla to take care of myself, and no more pelvic pain.  So, things do get better!  

We are midway through the series now.  I struggle to find something objective to achieve in these races.  Should I set some time goals for the next 10k, 10 milers, and half marathons?  Or just go with the process and journey?  Hmmm.  I think I am sticking with the latter for now.

1 comment:

Steve said...

One of the best things in the World, and probably the #1 Wonder of the World is way back when I started reading your blog you were the super duper IM chick. All fit and stuff, and all those great things, but I never really looked at that too too much in a way.

It is like I knew inside Damie was a strong girl, and stronger than she even knows. Back when you placed all value in IM races and fitness and such I placed value in you above that type of stuff.

You probably cannot see the complete value of you, and really either can I, but I know it is more than you know. The importance of you transcends all the things you place value in.

You ain't barely just begun, and the Aint's just lost like my Bears.

BOOOOOOO to our football teams, but yayyyyyy for Damie. :)))
