Wednesday, September 17, 2014

More Running, More Figuring It Out

I ran my first official trail 25k this past weekend.  (I have run before with another runner's bib, so not official! :)  I was really looking forward to this run.  As a matter of fact, I have been looking forward to all of my runs.  As my swimming and cycling is so very limited now (maybe 1 x week), I embrace my runs.

The goal was to get some easier miles on my legs.  These trail runs aren't really races in my mind as there are no awards, so I just use them to do nothing but clear my head and build my strength.  The first mile or so was a little faster than I wanted to go, but that happens on single track with people breathing down your neck.  I settled into a good, easy pace for the first big loop and then picked it up for the second loop.   I finished feeling good but with some soreness that only a good trail run can give you.

I wish I could do one of these races every month.  It is so fun to get in my own head and just enjoy nature.  I HEART trail running.  Thank you to Dave for taking the day off of work so I could go do this.  xo
Trail friends!

So, just this week I was really trying to figure out why I can't get consistently rehabbed and training again.  Why can't I wake up at 4:30  every morning to get to swim or get on my bike?  I go through stretches where I can, and then I lose it.  What is wrong with me?  I have talked to Dave a ton about this, and he keeps saying one word:  Isla.  He firmly believes that until I get even semi-consistent sleep, consistent training won't happen.  And, 14 months later, I am guaranteed nothing at night.  It occurred to me that not only is Isla a very poor sleeper by design (Yes, I am still up several times a night with her), but we have also had 6 ear infections, ear tube surgery, Hand Foot Mouth x 2, bacterial infection, throat infection, and other random 24 hr viruses- all in a 14 month period.  We are sick every 2-3 weeks here.  And sometimes Dave and I get sick after she brings home whatever bad virus she has.  

So, my HTFU is just not strong enough to override our constant illness and lack of sleep as a family.  Sometimes Frequently I just have to nix my workouts because it is best for my family.  Isla needs my care at 4am, Dave needs the sleep, or I am just trashed from sleep deprivation.  It is just a part of where we are right now in our journey.  I know it will change with more time, we are just not there yet and have to stay patient. 

And as of this week, our 2nd round of Hand Foot Mouth in 5 months is here.  AGHHH!!!!  WHY!!!!?????

 This is how we have spent our constant tears. 
 Thank you to the animals for being so patient and kind with our sick, screaming, little one. 
Now with the HFM recurrence, I have had to take the entire week off of work to be with her and care for her.  She is in so much pain, she spends half of the day and night screaming.  She can't nurse due to the pain (nor really eat or drink), and that is sad for us both.  And let's not mention the missed work and income.  This is just a continuing pattern I can't figure out how to break.  Maybe it is just all part of having a young child.  

So, here we are just working with what we have.  Dave is so conveniently out of town right now for work- bleh.  I am contemplating what changes need to happen.  Do we need to use just 1 daycare instead of 2?  Is she exposed to too many germs going multiple places?  She always seems to get sick if I take her to the gym daycare on Sat for 1 hr so I can swim.  Do I nix that, and just lose my swim?  That option doesn't seem great.  After all, I hardly get to train now, so taking my kiddo to the gym 1 x week shouldn't be too much to ask, no?  Is it time for us to get some babysitters on the roll call?  Probably. 

And that is our story so far.  We are moving forward, but have a long ways to go.  Suggestions from moms who had babies that were sick frequently and seemed to figure out a plan to decrease the illnesses?

Next up this weekend, 10k number 2, where I am determined to not feel like death again.  


Angela and David said...

So I don't know how true this but someone once told me that on average kids get sick 30 times in the first 5 years of their lives. For those like Isla and my kids that are in daycare, it tends to be front loaded and for some it is spread out evenly over 5 years and then for some that really aren't exposed to germs until kindergarten, kindergarten is a NIGHTMARE. So it will come to an end for you as Isla is exposed to more things and builds up immunity, but it sure is difficult in the interim. You should be hitting your 30 soon and then hopefully it's easy street for you guys!

Steve said...

I like this update Damie. I swear 90% of the time all you see about babies how supposedly cute they are, and it must be just like having a baby bunny rabbit. No one hardly ever shows the hard parts.

You and Angela let people know the struggles, but people should ALWAYS know this part of having babies. It isn't all fun and games, as I am sure you know.

Anyway good luck with the running, and stuff. 25K is probably my favorite distance when I am in shape. Over a half, and less than 20. :)

Take care. :)

BriGaal said...

Yeah, I don't really have much advice, except to say the first year was the hardest in terms of sickness. Logan had hf&m (also twice) and got RSV 1 week after starting daycare and had to be hospitalized. He luckily never had any ear troubles, but it is hard!! Most will tell you that it's either now or kindergarten, but it sucks either way. I hope you're almost out of the woods now.

Gayle said...

Yikes! It all sound like normal day care/childcare stuff. BUT if you think the HFM source is the gym (which makes sense) I think a home babysitter would be the answer. Could you be lucky enough to find someone to come to your house on Sat mornings and just let you have the morning out? Sounds like a good investment to me...