Thursday, August 28, 2014

Check In

My disorganized brain is manifesting itself in a slew of unfinished blog posts.  Hence, my perpetual absence.  I am determined to get back on the consistent blogging bandwagon!  It is not that I don't blog anymore, it is just that I don't publish my posts.  My 8:30 bedtime comes too quickly to ever finish anything.   

After a week + off of running, I am back at it.  Everything seems to be fine and no worse for wear.  Unfortunately, I think we have hit rock bottom with my low back, which has been a problem since I started back swimming last October.  I am at a point where I can no longer really swim anymore, and practice has become too painful to continue.  I am going to see some spine specialists next week, as it is more than likely some sort of disc issue.  Yuck and yuck.  This is just all part of taking care of the aging, athlete body.  Good thing I am going to a seminar next month for geriatric therapeutic exercises for the spine.     
I wondered if it was show-n-tell day at school, because Isla left the house a race medal around her neck and a toy keyboard and graduation tassel in her hands.  This kid is something else.  She is just this combination of amazing and mischievous.  Probably the coolest thing going on right now is that I can have conversations with her and give her multiple step directions, and she gets it.  Oh, and as of today, she is now an official library card holder.  It was so cool to read our books before bedtime tonight, and to know they came from the library.  Nerd alert!  
Here are a few links to keep you connected this week.  :)
  • Babbittville!!!!  OMG!  I love interviews with Bob Babbitt.   His passion and knowledge about endurance sport is unrivaled.  You must listen to Rod Dixon, Meb, etc.  They are fantastic! 

1 comment:

Steve said...

I read this last night, but I was thinking this morning it must be the upper back to stop you from swimming, but not running, but it is the lower back.

That surprised me. I think it is a good sign you don't have sciatic pain running down your leg, so probably not a ruptured disc. Usually these things go away though I thought after a while.

I hope you get some answers. I dealt with back pain for a couple years. chronic, to where I had to take aspirin every four hours just to walk. It ended up being a ruptured disc. Easy surgery, and out for a week.

Anyway best of luck with everything. :)