Thursday, July 17, 2014

Links of The Week

Everything continues to be on the up and up around here.  I finally got a long, long overdue bike fit.  As I had suspected, my saddle position was incorrect.  After IMTX in 2012, I replaced my old, old Adamo Road with a brand new one.  I tried to line them up exactly, but, the rails and measurements didn't match because the other saddle was so old.  I measured, re-measured, had Dave measure, eye-balled it, guessed, etc...   I knew something was not right, but the next thing I knew, I was preggo and I just gave up on solving the problem.

My bars had also tilted down over time.  I got a few quick adjustments, and I should hopefully be ready to enjoy my bike again!  A huge thanks to Billy Tune at BioMechaniks for basically making it impossible for me to say no to a new bike fit.  He gave me no way to make an excuse.   It seems that everyone is really trying to get me back on my bike, and for that I am thankful. 
    Some links for the week: 
  •  If you are in the Memphis area, go see Billy at BioMechaniks for a good Retul bike fit.  I promise you won't be disappointed. 
  • I have been enjoying the Vitality Coach podcasts this week.  She delivers a very positive message and has some good interviews.  Tonight I listened to Emma Snowsill.  Good stuff!  Check the podcasts out here.  I think it is a good break from just listening to the same old triathlon reports.  
  • Coming up in Memphis, the Breakaway Bardog 5k on August 17 benefiting St Jude.  Fantastic race and post race beer!  This is a 5k to put on your calendar.  
  • I would like to give a random shout out to the Enell bra.  I am not sure I will ever be able to run in another bra again.  When I ran the 5k this past weekend at the Road Race Series, I was reminded about how I had 2 bras on to hold myself in at the same race last year...and how it didn't work and I was miserable!  Life has been much better since I found Enell.  So, to all of you mothers or endowed women out there, check them out.  Let me save you the time and money of buying a bunch of bras that don't work when you really need support.  I already made those mistakes for you!
  • And of course, don't miss Breakfast With Bob!  He is covering Challenge Roth, and always does the best interviews.  

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