Thursday, May 8, 2014


YIKES!!!!! It is here!  The first race back!

First of all, I shouldn't be blogging, I should be in bed.  When Isla sleeps, so should I.  She is still a "2 hour max" sleeper, and I should not be on the computer when I could be catching some zzzzs.  I didn't know it was possible to go 10 months without even a half of a night of sleep, but it is.  I have stopped asking for advice, reading books, and searching the internet for how to get her to sleep longer.  It seems I will sleep again when she is about 2.5 years old- she is just that child.  You have one or you don't.  Yay me.  

Besides that, she is rocking along.  We still do a lot of baby wearing, breast feeding, chasing doggies, and talking.  The very best part of my day is picking her up from daycare and having her near me again.  :)
Today we played with "" after work.  All of the animals are starting to let her pet them, now that she does not put the strangle hold on them. 
Sweet girl! 
Oh yea...a race.  This Saturday!  It is just a sprint, but I still waited until a day or two ago to sign up.  Why the hesitation?  Well, I am not in shape, I don't have clothes that fit, who will watch my child while I race?, I am not in shape, etc....  I just never could find consistency in the past 10 months.  Hillary graciously let me step back for a while and forgo the coaching/training partnership to just be for a while.  Our whole house was constantly sick, Dave started a new job, I thought I was going to lose mine, yada yada.  Training just wasn't happening.  So, I pushed back all of my racing and goals.  I just can't force some things on a family whose schedule has no room to budge and is chronically sleep deprived. 

But, I want to be back out there.  I finally got back on my bike outdoors and have gotten 3 rides in.  That should be enough, right?  :/  Oh geez.  It is going to be insane, but I am sure I will love every minute of it and will be thrilled to be out there, so I am getting out there and just knocking the rust off.  It will have been 2 years since I last raced.  That just sounds crazy!
But man, a HUGE thanks to my sponsors, especially Wattie.  He knows I don't really have a post-baby kit to wear this weekend and he is trying to get something to me.  It might not make it in time, but hugs to him for trying.  That is why I love the people that support me. 

(Dave also loves Herbalife 24 it seems, as evidenced by an open box and missing product, found later in his soccer bag.  That is what I get for telling him Ronaldo uses it...)

Okay- the race wheels are holding air and the helmet is packed.  I am off to bed.  Wish me luck and the ability to maybe awaken some old, extra gears deep down inside. 


Jennifer Harrison said...


Angela and David said...

Have fun!!!! And you are a beast for going that long with such little sleep...I thought Zach was bad but he looks great compared to Isla!

GoBigGreen said...

Oh You! Celebrate that you GET TO RACE and that you CAN race:) ITs like a huge reward. I hope you smile and grimace the entire time!!

Shelly Biehle said...

Good luck and have fun (after the fact now)! I can't wait to read all about it!!