Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Unscheduled Fun

Big break done! The fam was sick for a whole week.  That included Dave, who never gets sick, so we must have picked up something bad.  Thank you daycare!  (or my patients?)

After a full week being sick with no exercise, I took off another full week just because I was so tired of the stress, setbacks, and struggles.  My back has been absolutely killing me since October, and I was getting frustrated being in pain and not making progress in health and fitness.  I got on the trainer one day and just realized I was just tired of trying to fit it all in.  So, I gave myself another mandatory week off, and it was absolutely the right thing to do.  After about a week I was ready to get back out there, but I had a few stipulations:
1.  I need to make sure I train with people at least 1-2 times a week.  I am isolated as a mom and need some adult time.
2.  I need to be outdoors and get some sunshine.  Time to kick the winter blues.

And the big one:
3.  I need the flexibility to skip a workout when I don't sleep with no feelings of guilt.  (thank you Jen for listening to me work through this!)  One or two nights of no/little/poor sleep, no big deal.  Cumulative months of no sleep?  Big deal.  I have to look at my whole week of work, parenting, and other and decide if it is really worth it to sacrifice the little sleep I might get that morning for a training session.  That doesn't mean I don't love the sport, don't care, or don't "make it happen." (and if another guy tells me that maybe I just don't want it bad enough and should *just focus on being a mom*, I am going to loan him my bewbs and let him take care of my baby for a weeks' worth of nights.  Then I am going to ask him why he didn't "make it happen?"  You guys know those comments get under my skin.  I am so predictable.  Want to push my buttons?  Suggest I should quite athletics or that I am not giving it my all)  LOL! )  But anyways, no more complaints about lack of sleep.  We all get it.  I have whined enough.  Time to stop talking and just deal with it and move on.  Last time I post that I am tired.  From now on, I am energetic and on it!  I will make choices on when to sleep in and when to train.  

So, with some reworking of the schedule, which is now not a schedule, I am back at it and happy to be there.  I have run with friends, joined in on the Peddler ride for the first time in 2 years, and will hopefully get back to master's swim if my back will let me this week.  I also got my bike cleaned and tuned, and I am in love all over again.  

So, I make a decision to NOT have a schedule, and good things have happened.  For the first time in almost 9 months, Isla let me run 4 miles while pushing her in the BOB without a meltdown.  You see, everyone thinks that parents can just throw their kid in a stroller and go run, but not all kids work that way.  Isla was never able to tolerate it.  But now that she is getting older, she is enjoying more, tolerating more, and able to do more.  It is coming- just on our schedule.  And we are enjoying it, not forcing it through tears. 

That is it!  Spring is here and we are moving forward!  Isla is just amazing and I LOVE hanging with her.  We have spent a lot of time playing lately with other kids and just doing fun things.  This is such an amazing age.  Every day is more amazing than the last.  It is really very cool. 
Where is your hair, Isla?
Thank you, Roo, for giving her your dog toy.  Straight to the mouth, of course. 
Fun times at the park!  (thank you, Landon Kidd, for the tutu)
Putting on the party dress for a baby shower. 
Piper, would you like to play with this paper plate with me?
Oh, it is time to wake up now?  But I just fell asleep!!!!


Gayle said...

I want to comment, but don't yell at me. I have so enjoyed watching you grow up into such a super mom. I think you had a notion of how you wanted life to be after baby. And Isla has done everything she could to derail all your "plans". And to see your complete joy with her in spite of all that... I hope some of the other athlete Moms are jealous of you and your pure enjoyment of life! You have all the answers. They just aren't quite the ones you thought they would be!!!

Anonymous said...

Isla is SO cute!

I hate when people tell me to train less, whenever I'm super stressed out with trying to fit it all in and get it all done, I wince when someone asks me if I trained that day. Yes, yes I did and it's important to me so I try my best to squeeze it in. I can't imagine adding a little one to the mix. And I have found (coming from a non-mom, so bear with me again) that trusting I will get fit as quickly as I possibly can and my passion for sport won't die out, that I do best without a schedule. It just takes longer than you anticipate and doesn't magically happen. Okay, again, I am sorry I am not a mom and commenting on your reality which is totally different than my own. Ack. But I feel like I can empathize with your comeback process. It WILL happen, you're a tough and talented lady!!

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

I love that you are still determined to make it all work, fit it all in. Honestly, having that mindset is what is going to be the key to your success! Can't wait to follow along your journey and see you come back kicking butt at mom, and athlete ;)

Angela and David said...

Love her in the tutu! I have another box to send you soon!

On your own time and with your sanity and happiness is most important. Everyone says it but it's true: you will never get this time back with isla.

ADC said...

Love this post. We will get back at it when our little ones are ready. Until then I think we should relax and enjoy working out.

Laura said...

I am excited to be one of those people you train with soon!! And coffee club. And hanging with your gal so you can go get your hair cut, or go on a date, or just have alone time! Can't wait to be there!!!