Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Post Partum Running Mission Complete

Sunday I completed the Road Race Series as well as my new mom journey to return to running by finishing a half marathon.  I can now officially say I am back to running after finishing 13.1 (or 13.29 in my case because no matter how hard I try I can't seem to run the tangents correctly). 
I started off nice and easy and found a pace I could hold the whole way. 
And hold it I did, with basically even splits for a 1:54.  And I must say that I am glad the Road Race Series is over for me.  A half marathon was pushing it a bit for my body.  By the last 3 miles or so, I was very aware at how my body was not quite ready to handle the pounding just yet.  My bones hurt.  My c-sect area hurt.  Part of running is the adaptation to the pounding that simply comes from miles, especially road miles.  I don't have that yet, but I'll get there.

So, here is the chart of the Road Race Series progress with pace and distance for me.  (the 10 miler is a bit of an outlier as it is not only a huge jump from a 10k, but it is also a on a very hilly course).   It was great to quadruple my distance as well as knock my pace down by 2 minutes per mile.

Below is a chart with my run miles post pregnancy.  These miles are very low for me, and very low for racing, half marathons, and such.  I could handle more miles physically, but training is still taking a huge backseat to family right now.  So, a new goal for me will simply be to add some miles over the upcoming months.

Whew! So that is over.  It was hard.  It was hard to make myself run when I was am? so out of shape.  But, it was fun to see my running get easier and faster every time as well.

So now I am looking forward to doing more of this kind of running:
 This is me 2 weeks ago at Wade's Big Adventure.  Trail running=happy!
It is time to just get some miles on these legs!!!


Shelly Biehle said...

HOORAY! So happy for you that you completed your mission!! It gives me more hope for my own post-partum journey. Thank you once again for sharing your journey!!

Laura said...

You look badass in that Wades pic Damie. I agree with you too, trails are awesome!

GoBigGreen said...

Congrats girl, it looks good to me! from our perspectie it gets harderand harder to get outside soif you can do it, do it!

Angela and David said...

You will just keep getting faster! You are through the thick of it (and you did it with such grace)1