Saturday, November 16, 2013

Motivation Returning

I am getting the itch to train and race again.  This is great news!  I have tried to be patient in letting it come back to me, and I am now welcoming it with open arms.  I am looking forward to my workouts and plotting how to do more.  After all of this time off, it feels wonderful to have some true motivation return.

Isla is still nursing every two hours....and yup, that includes the nighttime too.  I give myself a gold star for holding up with the lack of sleep.  Dave has a long work day, and this will never change.  I am tired, and it is tough, but I am figuring it out and having fun.  I find that I am getting a little more creative with fitting in training and it doesn't seem as stressful as it did a month ago.  Every month I am doing a little bit better.  I still have such a long way to go fitness-wise to even get to the starting line of a race, but I am grateful for every little training session I complete.  Just doing the work every day will get me there. what next?  I have started to make my "wish list" for racing, and we will see what happens!  

On the home front:
Isla still only naps about 25 minutes.  If I hold her, I can eek out an hour, but then I can't do anything during that time.  We are starting to take some naps in the crib just to get her use to it as a sleeping space.  (She normally sleeps in the co-sleeper, in my arms, or tucked in bed with me).  Today she took a small nap in the crib, and then I heard her playing.  I walked in to see her eating her pictures.  I guess those black and white brain stimulation patterns I have in her crib work after all, although someone needs to tell her we don't eat animal meat around here. 
She is now loving to blow raspberries and taste her feet.  She has also found fascination in the dogs and is constantly laughing at them or trying to grab their fur.  We are starting to have lots of fun over here.  :)

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