Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

I don't have any pictures of the 2nd RRS 10k, but I did take 3+ minutes off of my time to finish in 53:01/8:35 pace.  Some thoughts on the run:
  • I still can't get up hills.  At all.  I get passed by everyone on each hill.  All I can do is take really little steps.  I just don't have the ab/core strength to support the motion.  We figured out in PT through biofeedback that my L TA is not firing.  Unfortunately, I can't go to PT because I have no where for Isla to go, so I will just have to figure it out on my own so I can get my core working again.
  • I then cruise past everyone on the downhills.  That would be an area a lot of runners could improve.  Learn good form and don't put on the brakes.  I think of cycling where you want to maintain your power, not ease up.  
  • Everyone.  I mean EVERYONE wears an iphone/ipod for racing.  It is so weird to me.  I guess I have been out of road racing for a while.  I much prefer to just get inside my own head and work through the race.  It is so weird for me to see everyone tuning out.  
I am almost 12 weeks out, so next post I will share what the past 3 months have looked like training/body-wise post pregnancy.  It is not wonderful, but it is real. 

The weekend was fantastic as my in-laws were in town visiting. There is something about having our family help us that really gets me through the hard infant days.  And then everyone goes away and I am left feeling super alone and really sad.  If you know a new mother that is a little isolated at home for the majority of the day, go give her a hug. 
 Louisiana crab and shrimp night- there is just nothing like this in Memphis.

 Our first date since having Isla compliments of my in-laws...spending some $$$ at Erling Jensen's.  It was such a great meal, yet we found ourselves really rushing to get back to Isla.  It may be a while before we can really relax and enjoy a date.
 Attending the grand opening of Deja Vu in Memphis with some friends- yay for good food in Memphis! (And cheers to the Saints/LSU wins!)
 Isla loved spending time with her grandparents this weekend. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend. 


Angela and David said...

Looks like you and Isla are doing great. I have a big box of stuff to send you! And maybe it won't work for you, but I would just take Zach/Landon with me to PT. They almost always slept through it.

Jennifer Harrison said...

Happy Mommy and happy baby!
I agree with Angela, Isla is young enough, bring her to PT now...b/c once she is a toddler, all bets are off.
The Ipod/music when racing is totally weird to me too - I have not done a race where I have seen that really, but I think it is much more prevalent in running races. Crack me up. :)
Oh well - whatever works for them!

Nice to have family in town for sure. So sweet.

GoBigGreen said...

I love that pic of you all and of course the last one with isla smiling at the camera!
The LEFT TA, Ahh, yes, youcan email me if you want my thoughts i have a hard time with that and my left ab wall i can try to give you some simple things i do:) happy to try to help!