Monday, September 2, 2013

Pushing Through

I am starting to see the light.  8 weeks seemed to be the magic number for us:  less tummy trouble, a few more hours of sleep at night, and improved parental training plan from our instructor Isla has Dave and I being more effective parents.  (I think)

I am starting to do the 4am wake up calls to get in a run on the days I can get her back down to sleep.  This gave me a grand total of 16 grueling miles last week where I probably averaged 10:30 pace.  I don't know how to explain it, but a little 2 mile run is sooooo hard.  I want to quit one million times, and I just can't wrap my head around how hard it is.  My previous hard runs seemed easier than this.  It appears I have a few corners yet to turn. 
I fortunately was able to do my first real 1 hour spin on the bike yesterday with Dave home.  It is hard to focus when I can hear Isla starting to get fussy.  It is difficult to ignore your kid when you are a mom, even though you know she is in good hands and having her needs met.  Letting go of mommy guilt and the need to take care of it all is a work in progress.  I also never knew how hard it would be to get in an hour of training. 

I felt way better on the bike than I do running.  I finally got my cadence up, and my power is creeping up as well from those awful 1st trimester rides that forced me to quit.  60rpm, 50W, and nausea?  Glad those days are gone!
We hit another "milestone" yesterday and went shopping with no problems!  Yippeee!!!  She hates the car seat, so we were holding our breath at the first store. 
I wasn't taking any chances at the grocery store, so I moved her over to the sling.  When it doubt, keep 'em close! 

I realized I have hardly any pictures with me and Isla together.  It is because I look soooo ragged and worn out.  YIKES!  I promise to rectify the bad hair problem immediately.  Some more sleep, a tan, and a little make up wouldn't hurt either. 

I am think I am finally getting some time to blog again.  Nice :)


GoBigGreen said...

So glad to read your updates, as much as you may think you are ragged you look AMAZING to me Damie. Im not a mom so maybe i am totally clueless but i think you are doing a gREAT JOB!!!!

Angela and David said...

You are doing great! And every day it gets easier (and you fall more and more in love). Just wait until she's old enough to realize she gets a free cookie at the grocery store - my kids practically beg to go to the grocery store and behave.