Sunday, August 11, 2013

Running On- the 5 Miler

After an attempt to write several posts over the past 2 weeks, I am starting to think that posting will be a little irregular for a little while.  Trying to type with one hand with nursing/sleeping baby is not as productive as I would like as evidenced below.
Today's 5 miler was both better...yet just as insane as the 5k.  I upped my sleep last night from 2 hours to 3.  I still didn't have time to brush my teeth, but I did get deodorant on this time.  It was a little more hectic trying to feed, pump, and get out of the door by 6:15, but I did it.  (by 6:23 and skipping a few things :)  The benefit to not racing is no warm-up required, so you just have to get there before the gun goes off at 7am.

The main difference, though, was my purchase this week of a new running outfit...that fits!  I refused to wear men's clothes today, so my sweet friend and mommy runner, Meghan at Breakaway, helped me find some post-preggers clothes.  I got longer shorts and a baggy tank for today...very different from my normal wear!  But, I felt much better with a fun outfit, and I am going to send my post preggers running clothes to any new mom that needs them when I am done (size medium for both).  Just send me a message!  Having some "in-between" clothes is important!
My training plan only two full miles since the last 5k.  Yikes!  But seriously I cannot get out of the house.  It was way too hot to go running with an infant this week.  So, another 2 weeks of hardly any exercise.  But, I just view it as two more weeks to recover from surgery.

But still, that didn't help my confidence as I lined up at the start.  From 0 to 3.1 to 0 to 5?  What kind of plan is that?  But I reminded myself that all problems in racing and life can usually be solved by slowing down.  So, if it got too hard, I could just slow down!

Since I am not warming up, my first 2 miles are my warm-up.  I started in the back, made sure to talk to friends, and worked on trying to incorporate good running form, even though I was shuffling.  After the 2nd mile I just tried to find a pace I could hold that didn't stress anything beyond its limits.  I noticed this race I was moving up through the field more so than I did the last race, so even though I have not done anything to gain fitness the past two weeks, I think my body is healing and improving on its own.

Mile 1- 10:57, mile 2-10:22, mile 3-9:40, mile 4-9:42, mile 5- 9:48 Total time=51:06...garmin has 10:05 min/mile pace

Like the 5k, this 5 miler was super hard for me.  I am 15-20 pounds overweight, and it is hard to run with the extra weight and loss of muscle.  I calculated in my head that with no extra fitness, I would probably be almost 1 minute per mile faster if I did not have the extra weight.  And I had this huge realization... it is a blessing that I have extra weight on me.  If I was actually faster right now, I think I would try to race.  I know I would.  I would push my body beyond what it needs to do right now.  The extra weight is life's way of slowing me down so I build well as helping me take care of my baby!  Nature knows what it is doing.
 Enjoying the rest of my day with little Spreaglet
I was super duper tired after the race.  I am most cautious about the abdominal area, as it just doesn't feel fully healed yet and is still just a little sore after these endeavors.  So, another few weeks of taking it easy...and definitely no increase in distance at the "race" until I can't feel a thing.  In the meantime, it is TAs and planks for some core strengthening! 

The middle of this upcoming week will mark 6 weeks with Isla.  I can't believe I have to return to work soon.  (pout and cry).  I think I am going to really see time fly these next years. 


Jennifer Harrison said...

Yes, you have a great outlook at returning. The body is really in charge now post baby and will tell you when you are doing too much. Glad you got out and once you get 4 hours of straight sleep you can conquer the world! :) HA

BriGaal said...

in between clothes are a must! Old Navy has some forgiving jeans I bought and wore for quite awhile (and didn't feel bad since they are cheap), I think it's the sweetheart cut, just FYI in case you are looking for anything like that :)

Joy said...

I thought I already commented but oh well! Coming back to tell you to get the blogger app on your phone. All my posts are written with thumbs :)

emily said...

you go girl, but I still think you're crazy! 3 hours of sleep? Let's chat again soon.