Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In The Family

Look who ran a 5k this weekend!!!  Dave ran cross country/track in middle and high school, but hasn't really run a step for enjoyment since then.  I have always encouraged him to run because he is good at it.  His dad held some high school mile record in his area, so the genetics are there.  But, he didn't enjoy it and only wanted to play soccer.

Somewhere in the past year, I stopped running, and he rediscovered how nice it could be to just get out of the house for 2-3 miles easy.  I guess when you hit mid-30s, some things change.  He is realizing he can't play really good soccer forever as his body just won't hold up. He is going to have to find some new outlets for sport. 

So, I casually mentioned the Bardog 5k with beer at the end, and voila!  A registration was complete! 
I can't say that he had a lot of fun out there....ha ha!  (who does at a 5k?  They are HARD!).  He certainly hadn't done any speed work, so going into a 5k cold hurt!  But, that beer at the end (and his cheering wife and daughter) were all worth it, I think.  He didn't immediately sign up for another one.  But let's see if he bumps up his running and adds in some speed :)
I got to enjoy seeing some of my friends that I have not seen in months.  Little Spreaglet made an appearance but stayed asleep, rolled up in a little ball in the sling.  I was worried we would melt down, but we seemed to time it all just right, and she slept through the chaos.
It is too soon to tell, but maybe I acquired 2 new running partners during my pregnancy?

1 comment:

GoBigGreen said...

YES! Love this Damie. I smile everytime you post:)