Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Training (or Not) Through Pregnancy

Another pregnancy post....just 6+ more weeks of this, people.  Hang in there!  I have had several friends request that I share more about my experience with pregnancy exercise/training.  I have even seen several friends close to tears lately as they figure out their relationship with exercise and pregnancy.  I have been there!  This post is for my other pregnant mommas out there that are struggling to exercise and losing a little piece of their former athletic self.  (It is temporary!  No worries!)

Now that I have 8 months under my belt, I can honestly say I love pregnancy in many ways.  It is special time that I may only get to do once, or very few times at most.  It is so very cool and there is nothing I would trade for it.  If you are pregnant now and struggling through the beginning, I think and hope you will feel the same way in just a little bit.  Hang in there!

Back to training and exercise.  I am going to leave weight gain out of this and make that a separate post.  Let's just talk about moving through pregnancy.  Some people seem to move more than others.  I was on one end of the scale, and it was not the end I had planned to be! So there is absolutely nothing brag worthy about my pregnancy fitness.  Nothing.  Not a single little thing.  (and as you will see, that is okay!)  I struggled the whole time during pregnancy to exercise, and I took many, many days off.  I didn't like it, but at the end of the day, I just had to listen to my body and do the best I could do.  What you have to realize is that every single pregnancy is different.  You are not lazy or undisciplined if you need to slow down, even if you slow down a lot.  You don't have to be doing what your friends are doing.  Your life and your pregnancy are different!

None of the following apply to me:
"Whoop Whoop!  I won a race pregnant!"
"I ran up until the day I delivered!"
"I trained every day for at least 2 hours."
"I maintained good muscle mass during my pregnancy."
"Yippee!!! I completed that triathlon/marathon/whatever pregnant!"
"I exercised every day/most days."

(hope that makes you feel better.  Nothing athletically cool about my pregnancy!)

I have many friends that can say the above statements.  I am so proud of them and their journeys.  There are so many pregnancy accomplishments to celebrate.  And, if you are able to do these things on your journey, then embrace it and cherish the cool achievements.  I know I am proud of you! 

But, what I wish I had known before I had gotten pregnant is that maybe I wouldn't be a part of the fit momma club.  (I swear there is a club, at least there feels like there is!).  I, too, thought I would be that girl that was running the whole time, entering some races for fun, and staying strong while growing a baby.  I would be glowing as I ran that half marathon.  I would be so cute in my little swimsuit with just my belly poking out.  Little pregnant running chick...that would be me!!!
Heh heh heh.....

And I SWEAR I heard the following statements numerous times, and my suggestion is that you don't say this to a pregnant woman:
- "Well, so and so raced all through pregnancy and was winning and beating guys."  (my response:  good for them.  Glad they felt good enough to race.  That is not everyone's reality, nor should it be.  Now, male who thinks you know everything about being pregnant, why don't you go put a uterus and baby inside of you and see if you feel like racing?). 
- "So and so ran through her whole pregnancy.  So you should be able to do it to." or "so and so is still running."   (my response:  I am so happy for her.  Glad her body cooperated.  Mine did not.  Thanks for the not-so-encouraging encouragement.)

Okay, actually I said really mean things that aren't blog appropriate.  You can just imagine what I really said.  

My inner sleeping athlete screamed...stopped comparing me to everyone else!!!!
So, during most of my pregnancy I was mainly sick, extremely tired, suffered a lot of pelvic pain, and now have some bad low back/sacroiliac pain.  My bladder was in constant spasm and I had a suspected kidney stone (now that HURT!).  I don't think I have felt a single endorphin in 10 months.  No fun!  Where is fit preggo running chick? 

She never came around.  Neither did preggo bike chick.  Swim chick has just finally resurfaced 3rd trimester, and she kind of floats down the lane like a manatee, but loves it.  :)

What would my 3rd trimester self tell my 1st and 2nd trimester self about training?  What things could I share with you that might help your journey?
  • Find some good mentors with different experiences.   I loved learning from Liz Lyles, a 2:50 marathoner and Ironman champion that did not run during her pregnancies. (Thank you for the support, Liz!)  I needed to hear from women that were not heavy exercisers during pregnancy to help me feel normal.  Find some mentors that fit you, whether you feel great or are having some trouble.  Check out this podcast and listen to the difference between Elizabeth who was swimming 4000 m the day before she delivered vs.  Jen who was on bedrest for 2 months.  Clearly they both turned out just fine :)
  • Walk sooner.  Walk?  No way.  I just didn't feel like walking in 30 degree weather.  I do not like going to the gym and getting on the treadmill.   But, once I finally accepted that I was going to be a walker in 3rd trimester, all of a sudden I was fine with it.  I wish I hadn't been so down on walking. 
  • Take your dogs with you.  Share your exercise time.  
  • Find a friend that might want to do some low-key exercise with you.  I did not find a walking or hiking companion, and that sure would have been more fun than solo walking! (and it is not too late...anyone want to be my buddy?)
  • Try a maternity support belt.  It is no help to me now, but it might have been a good thing for me to try in the 2nd trimester.  
  • Take prenatal yoga.  Everything does not have to be intense in life.  Try this and just relax.  I loved it!
  • If you don't like it, don't enjoy it, and it doesn't feel good...find something that does. 
  • And most importantly, stop comparing yourself to others.  (And if someone else is constantly comparing you to others, make some future plans to plant a poopy diaper in their transition bag for revenge).  It does not matter that someone else was able to train during their whole pregnancy.  At the end of the day, we will all hopefully be mommies and can be back on track to working on whatever goals we want to accomplish. 
I have yet to meet a tri-mom that was not able to enjoy and perform well at triathlon post-pregnancy, regardless of the miles they logged or didn't log.  There is absolutely no amount of pregnancy miles that correlates to future success.  Just do what you can do, no matter how much or how little that might be.  So, be yourself.  Be kind to your body.  Listen to your body!  It will all come back when the time is right.  Enjoy!!!!!!

(and call me if you need to vent or just have a hormonal moment :)


Jennifer Harrison said...

GREAT post, Damie! And, you are SO right....I always say to women during pregnancy: Do what feels RIGHT!
I did not really work out in my pregnancy either - started modified bed rest at 21 weeks...and before that I was always SO worried, b/c of the 2 babies...

And, I turned out JUST fine. In fact, I was so hungry to get back into shape and see if I could, that it was the internal fire that kept me motivated post babies.

Almost there! Exciting!

Michelle Simmons said...

That's interesting you've felt so much pressure to do more exercise in your pregnancy! My experience was just the opposite... People suggesting I should do less. In the last 1/2 all I did was walk and swim so I didn't think I needed to back off... But never once did anyone suggest I do more or go faster or enter a race, etc.

Now just wait til she is born... You'll get plenty of unsolicited parenting advice too. Prep yourself. ;)

Angela and David said...

I'm glad you are realizing everyone is different. I was one of those who ran until the day I was induced but I was able to run because my babies don't drop which then led to c-sections. I would have gladly traded a few weeks of no running for a natural, non-surgical birth. As long as the baby is healthy and the mommy is happy, who cares! Enjoy these last few weeks!

Joy said...

Manatee, hehe. Still laughing at that one!

leslie said...

Love this post!! I was not a triathlete when I was pregnant with my kids but if I was, I would have been in your boat... I couldn't wake up the first 3 months to do much of anything and it all went downhill... u r going to come back awesome and have a sweet baby as a prize!!!