Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Oh the moments just keep on coming.....

You guys know I work on the road all day long, so I have to pack a lot of food/snacks.  Most days I can get home for lunch, but today it didn't work out.  I had an apple in the car, but I was worried it wouldn't get me through the whole day as I had extended my schedule.  I was right by the Orange Mound Popeyes, so red beans and rice sounded good. 

Don't judge.  I would blame it on pregnancy, but I like Popeyes red beans not pregnant.  :)

Then there was this moment in time where I got out of my car (engine running) to get my purse out of the trunk (where I leave it when working the hood).  Within a split second, the trunk tripped the car locks, which is has done lately.  I wasn't worried because the door was open....and then just like that a gust of wind came and everything was shut, locked, and running...

Locked out!!!  In the Popeyes drive through- in the hood- with my car running.  It is cold out, I have no coat, and I can't get out of the cold and leave my car/computer/bags. 

ummmmm.......  I am supposed to be at my next patient in 5 minutes.  I have never locked my keys in my car.  Long story short, Dave got the emergency phone call at work (over 30 minutes away) for SOS!!!!  And I loved explaining to him that I was in the hood at Popeyes.   
What a sight I must have been.  Thank goodness for Marcus, my new friend at Popeyes (although I am too embarrassed to go back there anytime soon!).  He hooked this pregnant girl up with some red beans and kept a pair of eyes on me while I just sat there freezing in only a lab coat and watching over my car until sweet Dave finally got there with eyes rolling. 

Ah....so good karma to Marcus and all of the guys that took care of me, and for making me laugh about the whole thing instead of freaking out.  I didn't feel upset or nervous at all.   I don't know if it is pregnancy or what, but my tolerance for mistakes and craziness is pretty high these days, and I find that so many people are always willing to help me.  I never cease to be amazed at how cool and great people really are.  

In my other world, I have finally started sleeping again (knock on wood).  4 nights of solid sleep and I couldn't be happier.  It also makes a big difference in my ability to exercise.  I have been on the elliptical, in the weight room, and in the pool.  And now that I confessed to the world I ate red beans from Popeyes today, I am taking the dogs to the trails for some "wogging" (walk/jogging) after I finish my paper work. 

xo  Make your week great!


Steve said...

I like you Damie. :) You are a great person. :)

Gayle said...

I think maybe the people are always good, you have just been running so fast you haven't noticed! Enjoy your slow time (And the red beans). Life will go back to blur speed again.
Sooner than you think.
And you will always have your car keys in your hand! LOL

Molly said...

Red beans from Popeyes sounds a lot healthier than most fast food! Not embarrassing at all :)

Joy said...

Um I love red beans and rice from Popeyes! We actually have one here. You are too funny with the mishaps. Can I tell you how many times I've locked my keys in the car while not pregnant? Just not in orange mound :)

Angela and David said...

Hysterical! Just wait until you lock the baby in the car (I guarantee it will happen at some ponit!).

GoBigGreen said...

Um, what is wrong with Red Beans?:) maybe im not in the south but that sounds just grand to me!
Ilove the lab coat! I am so glad i dont wear that anymore:)
Glad you got out unscathed:)

Laura said...

One of the times I locked my keys in my trunk I distintly remember thinking, my keys are in there, just as the trunk latched. That was a fun day. I love your attitude Damie. Can you bottle some of it up and send it along to me? ;)

Nancy said...

Ahhhh...Damie!! I think I would have lost my sh$%t ;) I'm sure there's a point you transition into..."nothin I can do about it now except wait"...Thanks for sharing!