Sunday, January 20, 2013

Plodding On

This week everything seemed to get a little bit back on track.  I started going to Master's swim class last week, and I stuck with it this week.  Success!  My arms are like little, muscle-less, noodles that try to quit around 1,000 yards, but I just keep telling myself to stay in there and try to build up some endurance again.  It is so odd how 4,000 yards was no big deal, but now.... whoo!  But, okay.  I am getting up early and getting to swim, and that my friends is progress! 3 x swim this week.
Running has been just so- so for me this week.  I was able to get in 2 short "runs" in. 

I have decided that if I am going to be inconsistent and slow, I might as well join in with friends for some social time.  So, this week I added the Breakaway Thurs night beer run to my schedule.  I only do the 3.5 mile loop, and I am almost the very, very last runner to finish.

Dave did it with me this week (bless him) and he did not leave my side, even though we were last and the rest of the group was completely out of sight.  At one point I told him to go on, and he said he didn't want to leave me because it was dangerous.  I thought...huh?  There are plenty of people around, I am fine!  Then I looked around and realized I was last!  Ha ha!!!  Shark bait!!!

The funniest part of it all to me was when I looked at the runners around me and thought they were all just plodding along and going SO SLOW.  I mean, everyone looked like they were shuffling!  Then, I realized I was right there with them!  I might feel like I am moving, but I am not.  It was hilarious and humbling at the same time.  I am definitely learning to just have fun with it and just be out there. 

Run #3 for the week got cancelled as I am now stuck in bed with a really, really bad cold.  And no medicine.  This stinks.  
And this is completely random, but I always thought bags like Vera Bradley were...well, I am not going to say ugly...but just not my thing.  Do I look like a cute little purse-carrying girl?  I think not.  But, I keep getting them as gifts, and now I have justified them as functional.  I had some store credit to Vera Bradley yesterday and thought I would go ahead and spend it.  I came home with a blue/green bag, thinking I didn't have anything like that and I would use it.  Hmmmm.  Then I came home and found another blue/green quilt bag already in my closet.  Looks like I need to do some closet cleaning sometime soon.  How in the heck did I end up with 3 quilt bags?  Am I getting older?  And why am I so unorganized?  This picture is now forcing me to answer a lot of questions. 
Last night I got to hang out with my local soccer crew- some of the best girls in the world for our friend Marissa's bachelorette party.  I feel like I have several sets of friends, and these are my most consistent, most likely to party, never taking life too seriously-yet taking their friendships very seriously girlfriend group.  All of my soccer friends from every phase of life are like this- the best!  And this picture kind of explains it. 

Ah, so week #17 is here.  Time is flying by.  The focus is on work, save, work, save, and get my butt moving on most days. 

Thanks for reading!


Wendy said...

You are doing wonderfully!

There is no one-size-fits-all pregnancy and workout/training program. Heavens, there isn't one after the baby arrives, either!

Way to take care of yourself and do what you can when you can!

GoBigGreen said...

Oh i love Vera Bradley! Yes i am older than you:)
You look so cute damie!!! miss you!

ADC said...

Week 17, yay!!!! You clearly did far better than me in working out. It's been too cold here and I am officially a wimp. Oh and that is exactly what we are doing - working and saving - interesting how the baby changes your priorities straight away :))

Angela and David said...

You are doing great. "Just keep moving" was my motto during pregnancy. Doesn't matter how fast or how slow.