Sunday, January 6, 2013

Good Week :)

Ah yes.  15 weeks and feeling soooo much better.  After so many months of hardly any exercise, today was an easy 7 mile trail jog with 3 girls and 4 dogs.  ;)  My legs were incredibly happy to be moving, and I am satisfied.
 Of course Roo was so happy and thankful.  There is nothing like running the trails with your dog.
I spent the past 4 days in Austin, Texas, visiting my great aunt and uncle and spending time with my aunt, uncle, and cousin.  It was a spur of the moment trip.  A seat opened up for the ride down, and I invited myself:)  I keep trying to take opportunities to spend time with those I love before the opportunities no longer exist.

Unfortunately I didn't remember to get a SINGLE picture with my family.  Unbelievable since I am always the master at remembering to take pictures. 
I did get to meet up with some friends while in Austin.  Sweet Maggi Finley and her 3 girls made time to meet me for coffee so we could catch up.  She is doing as fabulous as always. 
I also met up with some long time college friends, Kekoa and Amy, and their toddler Kailani.  Amy is also pregnant with their second child, so instead of drinking beers and hitting the town like we would have done in the past, the three of us sat at the house and ate salads while talking babies.  Boy we are getting older.
Texas boots?  Maybe?  No.  The price tags averaged $400, with some boots priced at $1400.  But, they were pretty to look at!
And, nothing like my 15 year old cousin showing me how to put Mentos in Coke to round out my education for the week.

Okay, back on topic for next week.  Happy weekend!!!!!  :)


Angi Axmann said...

I love cowboy boots :-) Glad you are feeling well. You look soooo happy!!! Happy (late) new year, hope you have a fantastic 2013!!!

rr said...

Glad you're feeling good - the first tri is evil the second is fabulous. And well, let's not talk about the third ;)

Thank you for your comment re: MAF. I was moderating comments from my phone, and after reading it, I hit publish. But really, my fat finger hit "delete" and it won't let me undo it. :( Oops. I will remember to test! I'm using my GPS, just with the pace hidden, so I figure even not "testing" I'll be able to watch for changes when I upload mor workouts, too. Today was actually decent! 50 min straight, and right on the HR goal :)

ADC said...

Keep blogging, keep blogging. Love the posts.