Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Holidays

****EDIT*** Okay, all of the moms out there are laying into me now.  I am not bah humbug about Christmas.  I LOVE many things about the holiday (but you have to read the whole post to get that).  I don't like, however, the commercialization or tortuous Christmas buying that results in JUNK.  I have been trying hard each year to be more minimalistic in my own home.  So, read this with the understanding that I DO WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!****

I am a moderate Christmas participant.  I love Christmas, but I don't buy into it fully.  For one, I don't like holiday music, except at Christmas.  I don't believe in the whole month of Christmas songs.

I don't believe in buying expensive gifts, even for Dave.  Some years when we are really broke, we have a $10 limit for the two of us.  It usually never exceeds $25.  It takes the pressure off of us financially and allows us to have less stress and expectation. I wish the whole world would slow down and put less pressure on gifts.

I don't enjoy doing tons of gift exchanges at work.  It just creates overspending and more junk in this world.  However, a cookie exchange is awesome. We need more of that.

I don't like making my Christmas list for my family.  I feel greedy.  Plus, I got a horse for Christmas when I was a kid, so I think I used up all of my Christmas wishes in that one year.  So, now when they ask me what I want, I kind of have to say "nothing."  And it really is the truth.  I have just about everything I need.  And, if I have to put it on a list, it ruins the surprise. 

I don't send out Christmas cards...anymore.  That is mainly because I am lazy.  And I guess I don't want to spend another $50.  Maybe next year...but I think I say that every year.
But...I do like the cards you send me!!!  I hang them up every year, and I love to see pictures of your families.

I do like surprising random helpers in my life with presents.  This year, I am giving the kennel workers at the Humane Society gifts cards for always making my Friday nights so awesome.  I think when people take care of animals, they should be rewarded.  I am also giving my mailman a present, simply because he has always taken the time to say hi to me and ask how my training is going. 

I also like buying gifts for my nephew.  It is really easy to find toys for him.  Kids love it all!

I think it is awesome that I have a serious collection of Star Wars ornaments- as well as a full collection of the rocking horses.  

I LOVE going to holiday parties and spending time with friends.

I also really, really love Cajun Eggnog Daiquiris.  YUMMMYYYY!!!!!!

I LOVE spending time with both of my families....and eating delicious food.  Enough said!

So, Christmas has a lot of good. When we trim the excess spending and useless junk, we are left with good times and great people.  Ho Ho Ho!!!

Happy Holidays from Dave and I to you.  Will get back to you sometime next week!


Michelle Simmons said...

I always say I'm going to do Christmas cards next year... then next year comes and well... I really should too since I have a kid and all but really, if you want to see a picture of her, go to facebook, right?? ;)

I will say I like Christmas a lot now since I have Moana. If it wasn't for her I'm not even sure we would have a tree? BUT she loves it of course so we do it all... gingerbread house, christmas cookies, stockings, elf, etc.

Steve said...

Good Update Damie. :) Open and honest. Two of the best things in the World. :)

Angela and David said...

Cajun eggnog daiquiri? That makes me stomach turn! And wait until you have kids, it brings the magic of Christmas back - although I am so sick of Christmas music!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Yes, I agree w/ MS and Angela...I have always been a Christmas fan (obnoxious one) -- and it is worse with the kids. Each year, I say, "THIS is the last year they will believe in Santa...or LAST year for DOLLS for Morgan..."

But, every year their eyes sparkle & they ask what they can buy for people (or make)...and they carefully ask their grandparents what they want and tell Santa via a letter what they want.

These memories are the only thing I care about....so, that is why Christmas is so special to me. I realize it is a religious holiday, but to me, it is all about seeing the magic thru the kids' eyes.

And, Ahem, I play Xmas music 24/7 from the day after Thanksgiving until Xmas day. Yes, totally.


And, I always give to my mail main!! And, maid, and hair dresser, and trainer and teachers...and everyone else that helps me in my life -- I always can find an excuse to say "THANKS".

Shevaun said...

I'm with Jen, I am a Christmas nut. The more the better. It all comes from my grandfather who, when I was a kid, I spent the 3 days after Thanksgiving with setting up the 'base' decorations. Then, when I came back for Christmas there were even more. I love the lights and the cheerfulness. I love it even more when I see how excited my kids get about finding gifts for all the special people in their lives. I tried no tree one year when we were going to be out of town for the holidays, boy was that a sad year.

Jennifer Harrison said...

HA! I like your EDIT part, Damie....oh we were not judging at all - just trying to explain WHY we love it so much!!! :)

It is ok - I HATE Halloween! :)

Molly said...

My husband is totally in your boat :) If he could have Taco Bell for Christmas dinner and let the day go by quietly unobserved he would be happiest. Unfortunately he married someone from a totally nutty Christmas family. So we moderate it and meet somewhere in the middle.

Have a great holiday, however you choose to celebrate it! :)

Anne-Marie said...

You took the words right out of my mouth! I'm totally of the same mentality about not doing gift exchanges for the sake of spending money and getting stuff you don't really need... I'd rather that $ go to a charity or to buy toys/clothes for underprivileged kids or something. And the commercialization of Christmas and the "buy! buy! buy!" mentality and the Christmas carols on the radio starting in mid-Nov all irk me. Wow, I sound SO bah-humbug! That is the end of my rant :)

But, I do love the family time and of course the food!

Hope you and Dave and your family have a great Christmas!