Thursday, August 23, 2012

Closer to Home

Thanks to the Humane Society, Azumi has a safe space to wait for her forever home.  This was the result of faith, LOTS of tears-DAILY tears (wonder why I have been a basket case lately?), being told NO many times, and not giving up.  I listened to Tony Robbins tapes to help me get through this, I am not kidding.  I learned that if we want something bad enough, we have to be willing to burn every other bridge till the only bridge left is the result we want.  To succeed, there can be no other option.

Bully breed dogs are some of the most abused and neglected creatures on earth.  Not just because people mistreat them with fighting, but also because they are the last dogs to be given a home, a spot in a rescue, or a second chance.  95% of rescues won't help a dog like her- trust me, I have asked.  Ironic how the dogs that need it the most, get it the least. 

Luckily for me, I have the honor of fostering her for 3 weeks.  I can honestly say I was very, very sad to drive home from work yesterday and realize Azumi was not waiting for me.  I cried and cried when she left.  I miss her wags and smiles.  Hopefully someone else will get that love. 
Here she is, going into the Humane Society.  She is looking so good.  But, this picture really does make her look bigger than she is.  Funny how camera angles can do that. 
Here is an outake picture that I posted just so you can see her spine and bones still showing through.  Looking better, but still have a bit to go.  :)


cheryl said...

I hope she finds a great home. You can be happy for the hope you have given her.

Angela and David said...

You are so great for taking care of these dogs! I won't lie, they scare the beegeezus out of me, but most dogs (all breeds other than labs) do. Hope she finds a loving home.

And I meant to comment on your last post but hate typing on this iPad. I can totally relate. My motivation while battling this injury is tough to muster. But I have learned through this injury that I am also very vain so I have embraced all the "so you look good" exercises and have become a barre and stair master devotee.

GoBigGreen said...

OMG she looks like a TOTALLY different dog. You brought her back to life, that is incredible.

hillary said...

is your shelter a no-kill?? am hoping to start volunteering at our local shelter but know it will be heart-breaking because they put dogs down. sounds to me here though like yours is a no-kill shelter??