Thursday, July 12, 2012

Staying Enthusiastic

It is not hard for me to be enthusiastic about triathlon.  All I have to do is watch an ITU race or listen to a new podcast on Legends of Triathlon or Competitor Radio to add a little dose of triathlon energy into my life.  It is a great sport!

But lately, while enthusiasm is high, my actual ability to do anything has been low.  That lingering sickness (28 days not, but who is counting?:) is, well, still lingering.  The doc called me back in yesterday and I went in to find out the lung x-rays look not so hot.  So, off to a pulmonologist I go.  I swear, didn't I just do an ironman 2 months ago?  My lungs were just fine then...  So, it is probably nothing bad, we just need to figure out what it is and get the right treatment.  Until then, I have enough medication in me to make life tolerable. 

With maturity (not that I am saying I am mature, but sometimes I show signs of development) comes patience and acceptance.  Getting ill and injured can be a part of sport, even for the most conscientious and healthy people.  But, I do think God has a plan for things, and we just don't always see it until later.  Maybe there is something else I am supposed to be doing with my time right now.  So, my 3 weeks off has turned into 7 weeks of touch and go.  It will seem like a drop in the bucket when I am back to training consistently, so no sweat.  What I miss most right now is being able to go for a run.  And, I am also desperately wanting to work on my swim.

It looks like my big August and September races will either have to be pushed aside OR, as Dave suggested, walking to get the medal.  And, he is right.  If I am going to talk the talk about how it is awesome to just get out there and do it no matter how fit/fast you are, then I have to walk the walk.  For someone that doesn't even do triathlon, Dave sure has a lot of wisdom.  He says he gets it from watching all of us miss the point.   

What have I been doing with myself you say?  Nothing.  Working and sitting on the couch.  Usually in that order because work drains me.  But, Breesy likes to keep me company.  But, when I do feel good, I am getting on the trainer or trying to get out of the door for something!
As do the doggies.  I  have read A LOT of books lately.  Most of it trash.  Dave says I would be a genius if I actually read good books.  I argue that reading any old thing is good exercise for your brain.  Does everything come back to the quantity versus quality issue?
Time to go to work.  This is one of the faces by the door that watches me leave in the morning.  How can I leave this?  Isn't that so pitiful and sad?????  I will have to take a picture of the happy face when I get home to post on here.  Night and day difference!

Stay happy and enthusiastic!  Good things are right around the corner!


James Adams said...

Get better soon!!!

ali said...

Great post! Hope you feel better soon and Dave is so right. I love those dogs:) keep on kicking:)!

Anne-Marie said...

I love Dave's advice - really need to work on this myself.

Hope you feel better soon! glad to see you have some cuddly company :)

Michelle Simmons said...

OK that is a rather sad and pitiful looking face! (the dog- not you lol) Hope you get better soon. I swear by the power of plants. Eat nothing but plants for 2 days and see if you don't feel 100x better?

Steve said...

Love the Dave wisdom. We need more Dave'isms on this blog. We would all learn a lot. :)

Hope you feel better quickly. :)

Laura said...

So I love this: "For someone that doesn't even do triathlon, Dave sure has a lot of wisdom. He says he gets it from watching all of us miss the point."

Tell Dave I said HI!

I am in the same boat with not doing anything athletically productive for oh, about 7-8 weeks. Except I don't have the excuse of being sick...

Much love Damie!!