Saturday, July 7, 2012

Losing Stuff

Slowly turning a corner- first day out of bed.  Foster Mom Michelle helped me keep myself under control (it seems left to my own devices I just run myself into the ground).  An easy zone 1-2 ride with lots of talking made the morning a good one.  My lungs are still fighting the lingering infection, so I was happy to spend the rest of the day reading and watching Star Wars.  I still haven't left the couch.  Life is good.
Living a more minimal life has been on my mind quite a lot lately.  Less junk, less expense, less need.  Dave and I have been working on this slowly over time.  I have been getting pretty good at it in some areas:  I buy very few clothes, I drive used cars until they die, and I really don't mind that our furniture also graced our college house.  Our bedspreads don't match, but they work.  We are debt free except for the house, which is a little ghetto but almost paid in full.  But, one thing that bothers me is looking around my house and seeing so much junk.  Junk everywhere.  An attic full of STUFF.  A garage full of STUFF.  We have 2 refrigerators that are just sitting in the garage.  Time to get them on craig's list.  We have all of these wedding gifts (kitchen gadgets and such) up in the attic.  Why?  Why did I think I needed that STUFF?

I don't need it and I don't want it.  I want to look around and see order and purpose. 

I don't know how we accumulated so much.  If we don't use it, we need to lose it. 

So, I am on a mission to sell or give away stuff and free up space and energy in my life.  A junky home is a reflection of a junky life.  Time for me to clean house in and out!


Steve said...

No Kidding about accumulating stuff We have been slowly but surely getting rid of crap over the last couple years.

Our furniture sucks, but we finally don't have a ton of junk. We can get rid of more though.

It helps we got rid of people living in this house. They were all lazy. :)

cya. :)

Laura said...

You know how much I LOVE Gordo. Wonder over to his blog and you'll notice he's done a 50% reduction of his stuff over the past year or less (I've forgotten his timeline). I'm still cleansing after I moved and now, I am working hard on getting rid of something for everything I bring in - asking myself if I REALLY need it.

It's a process, but an interesting one. Simple = good (for me).

And one of these days we WILL actually talk on the phone!

Angela and David said...

If you've got a vitamix blender or dison vacuum cleaner up in that attic I'll gladly take them off your hands!

Michelle Simmons said...

I'm with you! We spent much of the 4th of July holiday 'de-cluttering'... I battle my husband some on this but I simply HATE seeing junk in every corner of he house! Good for you... Feel Bette soon!

ADC said...

This is something that Shaun and I have done at the end of last year. We had so much stuff accumulated over the years but we never used any of it. I wished I never got half of it because we really don't need that stuff. It is amazing how little we actually need in our lives. We got rid of a lot of stuff on ebay and i feel that there is another clearout looming soon.

Anne-Marie said...

It really is crazy how stuff just accumulates! I've been trying to work on organizing, simplifying & getting rid of "stuff" I don't use or need... the thing holding me back the most is finding the time to actually do it.