Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Here We Go Again

I have a race report to post up here, but it will have to be put on hold for a minute.   I currently have visiting dog in my back yard, and I need my brain cells for forming a plan. 
Oh, the joys of working in Orange Mound.  How could I turn her away? 
This is why I always carry a spare bag of dog food in my car.  I have a hard time walking away from starvation. 
She was eating the food I gave her, but when she saw me walking away, she left her food to follow me.  And she is starving.  It was pretty hard to choose to leave her when she chose me over food.  A couple of kids said they would take her, and hmpft....you can pretty much imagine how I felt about that.  Of course she is about the friendliest dern dog I have ever met.  Figures. 

I have plan A formed....will see if it works.  I am going to maintain a positive attitude that I don't need a plan B. 


Jennifer said...

what a cutie pie! I couldn't leave her either :-)

Molly said...

Awwwww :( I couldn't walk away from that either!

Laura said...

Oh Damie! She looks so sweet. Sending positive energy your way!

cheryl said...

Omg, you are so awesome for taking her home. She is a lucky dog to have found you. Hope you find her a good home (or maybe she has found her new home)

Jennifer Harrison said...

OK.......this one broke my heart. THANK You for taking her in. :(( I hope she is OK and finds a good home.

Anne-Marie said...

OMG! How awful to see an animal like that, but so glad you found her and rescued her. I hope she finds a good home!

GoBigGreen said...

Oh she even wants you to take her picture. Damie you are amazing. Love you!