Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bedtime Stories for Friends

My blog has been growing more boring by the post.  I can't seem to find any way to spice up my life from SBR/work/dogs/Dave/drinks.  I think I am going to throw another Ironman in this year just to give myself some drama.  That was not a joke.  I was able to run 60 minutes again and now I think I can do an ironman. 

Kari and Dawn cannot sleep tonight either, so this is a random post of bedtime information for them. 
Andreas Raelert...still my favorite.  Yes, the fact that he is gorgeous does count.  I am hoping that the crash and 4th place at Frankfurt will fuel the fire for a Kona win- I think not having a win under his belt might be a good thing.  He is always my #1 pick. 
This is really old news, but Sergio Ramos got a hair cut some time ago, and it still catches me off guard.  I likey. 
Drew Brees signs for 100 million dollars.  Hines Ward retires from the Steelers and Kari has now defected to the Saints.

While I have absolutely no clue who Matt Bomer is, based on this picture from a prospective line-up,  I could give him the nod for the role of Christian in the 50 Shades of Grey movie. 

That is all I have for Kari and Dawn tonight.  I really, really need to go to bed.  Halfway through the work week!  I heard weekends!!!!!!!


Michelle Simmons said...

Too funny that when you can't sleep you go post pictures of ridiculously hot men... ;)

Steve said...

Saw your little convo on JH's wall. LOL. Girls are just fricken crazy. :)

LOL on Michelle's comment.

Hope you feel well rested when you wake up in the morning. :)

aly said...

OMG I am in love with Matt Bomer. Too bad he is not interested in women in real life. He is on the show White Collar and I'm obsessed. Oh and he's also in Magic Mike :)

Joy said...

Did I see Ironman in there?? Woohoo! :)