Monday, May 28, 2012

Recovery Part 2!

Sigh.  The race is over.  For a few days, you get to talk about it and people are interested.  After that, you get to talk it over with yourself, because you are still interested.  Then, a week passes, and you realize it is old news.  :)
Dave has been helping me with recovery.  He took me to Jerry's Snow Cones earlier this week.  Snow cone + ice cream in the middle.  Genius. 

I have had a few interesting conversations this week on the difficulty of the course.  I never know what to say to this.  A fast race doesn't mean the course was "easy."  It *almost* hurts my feelings when people say this, as though it takes away from my accomplishment, but since I know my goals are within, I refuse to let those creepy little suggestions negate my race.  I really don't think that anyone that chooses to sign up for an extremely hot race is "cherry picking" a fast time.  That is just my opinion.

I think I used to be guilty of this.  I thought IMFL was "an easy course."  But, I now realize the error of that thinking.  The course might be flat and fast, but that also means people are putting on a different kind of hurt for the day.  So, to tell someone that their ironman was on an easy course just doesn't make sense.  Every course holds its own challenge, and elevation is not the only variable.  Yes, some courses are harder.  They just are.  Look at the pro times.  Look at the splits.  But, that doesn't make any other ironman easy.  

I really can't say if IMTX is harder or easier than anything else.  For me, and me alone, the course seemed easier than Wales and harder than Florida.  But, with the heat, my day in Texas was harder than Wales in some ways.  And, you know what?  Maybe Florida was harder than Texas in some ways because I was new, didn't have the miles behind me, etc.  Plus, I just don't think you can compare different courses over different years.  I think you just have to experience the day, weather, and course with your fellow competitors and enjoy the bonds you now share.

Fast times do not make a course easy in my estimation.  Jordan Rapp, while fast, was working HARD.  He earned that time through hard work, not because he picked an easy course.  He is setting records because he is improving.  Is riding 112 miles ever easy?  Is running 26.2 miles in 90 degrees ever easy, even if you are fast?  The fields are getting faster across the boards, I think.  No one would say that Kona is an easy course, yet people are very fast there every year.  No matter which ironman you choose, the race will be hard.  Enjoy your challenge on your day.

Now that Ironman is over, I am saving for my Camaro.  I have $800 in the bank so far- still have a ways to go.  :)  Everyone keeps pushing the mini-van on me, but I am holding steady with my Camaro fund.  Dave keeps telling me I can't put a baby seat in a Camaro.  Um, yes I can.  My papa said he would help me restore one, and I am holding him to it.  Dave brought home a convertible this weekend for me to have some play time (the benefits of a husband in the rental car business).  It was so much fun to have the top down and just relax!!!!!
And, one last piece of recovery...the fried twinkie.  Yes, it was good.  I wonder if it was gluten free? 


Joy said...

Yup it's not the course, it's how you race it!

cheryl said...

Ironman does not equal EASY, no matter the course. You put together a great race. And Im sure yu could get a carseat in a camaro. Heck, Ive seen a bicycle on the back of a motorcycle! Keep growing the fund :-)

CBD said...

Never compromise on your intervals, long rides, or convertibles. Huge extra points if it's restored.

GoBigGreen said...

I laughed at this bc it is so personal as you said. everyone wants to quantify it. Weather? well each race you do is sunny, 70 and a light breeze, right?
And for me riding 112 miles on flats would be WAY harder than 112 on hills. So I totaly agree, what a hard/dumb thing to even say. No IM is easier than another.
Keep enjoying the recovery!

Anonymous said...

THE DAY I write the word easy in front of 140.6 miles..... is the SAME day I check myself into the mental hospital. Any way you slice it, it's 140.6 miles.

And if you are working it right, it ain't ever easy.


Angela and David said...

Shoot, if you race all out it hurts - BAD. Course doesn't matter.

You crack me up with your camaro. What year camaro are you obsessed with?

Michelle Simmons said...

That's interesting about 'easy' as opposed to 'fast'. They are not the same. I wonder if there's anyone (anyone?!?) who crossed that finish line in TX and though to him/herself... "THAT was easy." Lol. The thought makes me laugh.

Sounds like you deal with some people who are pretty critical/judgmental. Let that shit go. Those people have their own confidence issues that you should not be burdened by.


The Hog said...

Damie - Congratulations! I saw you out there - you were heading to the finish, I think, and I was heading out for another loop. You had a fantastic day and met the challenges that are ALWAYS there in 140.6! It wasn't easy, and you earned every second of your (impressive) time! Enjoy the recovery.

Laura said...

I can't wait for you to get your Camaro! And believe me, I've seen plenty of baby seats in convertibles in CA, so don't think they can't go in a Camaro.

I wonder if I can guess who made those comments... LOL.