Thursday, April 5, 2012


Writing bloggers block...
Reaching that point where there is nothing to write about except to say that I am doing the same things I did last week...train, work, eat a lot of cheesecake and feel chubby. :) oh, and I am back on the romance novel kick, which leaves little time for anything else. Once I pick up a book, I will turn my back on everything else it seems.

I did a lot of training from March 8 till April 1, and the past few days have been wonderful recovery days. Recovery feels so good when you know you have earned it. I am definitely really itching to race, though. Enough of this training stuff!

My nephew was baptized last week, and I thought I did a pretty good job of showing up in a dress and high heels after a 20 mile run. Then my sister called me out and said my hair looked like crap, and I had to admit that I did not have time to wash it. I guess you can't make sweaty hair look good in church.
And my sister just turned 31. Man time is flying by!


Steve said...

One thing I don't miss of 20 mile runs is my dead to the world I turn into. I turn into a useless piece of crap. :)

Glad things are going good. :)

Laura said...

You two are so cute!

Oh and send a few romance novel recommendations my way - I could use a good romance! HA!

Angela and David said...

This post makes me wonder how many people at my old job used to notice when I didn't have time to wash my hair after runs at lunch.