Saturday, April 21, 2012

Luck Can Strike!

You guys are absolutely cracking me up.  I have received more texts and emails telling me what a lucky chick I am....hilarious. I absolutely love it. 

Nola 70.3 swim cancelled. 

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love to swim.  I don't sign up for duathlons.  I love triathlons...every part of it.  I was completely prepared to do whatever I needed to do to get from point A of the swim to point B as fast as possible.

But, I am not going to complain about this one!  Shoulder crisis averted (more like avoided) for 4 more weeks.

Morgan Chaffin has been my travel buddy for this race.  We are having a blast.  I am having a fun time watching all of the pros in the hotel that are totally checking out the competition.  So serious!   Morgan had a Mirinda sighting this morning when we went running on the levee.  Of course I only did 10 minutes so I didn't get to see Mirinda.  Shoot!  Damie/AG= 10 min easy.  Morgan/pro= 20  min at 6:40 pace. 

But, while she might be beating me in all of the preparation, I do get to drink more wine with less guilt than her at dinner, so that makes me a winner too. 

Tomorrow the race will be something like a 2 mile run/50 mile bike/13.1 mile run.  I plan to take the first 2 miles out very conservatively.  I am absolutely more than willing to give up 1 min + on that first run rather than run too hard and lose power on the bike.  Then I just plan to race like normal and see what I have. 

So, my internet access is limited.  I will post some good pics soon and hopefully a good race report!  I am absolutely looking forward to my daiquiri and Hubig's pie after the race tomorrow.


Steve said...

Oh, good luck. I don't follow Triathlon so had no idea about swim stuff. Heard rumors from God knows where, but glad swim is canceled. You being healthy is the most important, especially with an IM coming up.

Have fun. :)))

GoBigGreen said...

Ha, i told Rich and he said "SCORE!!" yes we are all cheering for you and this is payback for all those medical bills:) see, dont you feel better already.
What is that pie thing? hmm. Rich worked AT charity and he said " yuk, that lake is nasty!"

Angela and David said...

Yeah! You are a lucky girl! Have fun and kick ass! Tell Morgan good luck as well.