Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

I wanted a pizza for dinner tonight (the good, Pizza Hut deep dish kind)...somehow I willed myself to cook fish, quinoa, and a salad. It must be because I am only 8 scary weeks away from IMTX.

Tonight I have really had the itch to race. Everyone is starting to post race results, and I am getting antsy to get out there and see where I am. I don't have anything on my schedule until Nola 70.3, so I have a few more weeks to wait.

My weekend long ride- happy to have company this time around. I am somewhere hidden in the middle. Thank you to the boys for the ride...and for the girls for my long run. It was a good group weekend.

This weekend was more of the norm... long ride Sat and long run Sun. No extras, which left me extra time to cut the yard, go to my nephew's baptism, play with the dogs, "fix things" with my papa, and ...drink wine.

BTW, was anyone else hoping to see Cam Brown win? Something about him running with Crowie- I just really wanted him to pull it off. I fell asleep in bed watching the race and woke up in the morning with no clue who won.

Whew. Lots of good stuff this weekend. Time to wrap it up.

PS- Shout out to my friend Diana who just ran her very first 5k ever. So proud of her!!!!!


Roweramo said...

you are NOLA 70.3ing it! ME TOO! what fun :) Hope to see you there!

Angela and David said...

I really wanted pizza tonight too - sadly, I did not pick a sper healthy alternative like you did. Sounds like you are gonna have a fabulous season.

Roweramo said...

YES! definitely. I am in the 25-29 age group, will be wearing a 19 wetsuit, and probably my old green Train-this team kit.

that race was a 1/2 marathon... i do my laps in KMs rather than miles, which is definitely a confusion for all the americans out there ;)

here's a question for you: I have just noticed on the NOLA registration page, the price is at 199$. i registered (im sure) for 250. am i crazy? has the price gone down? is WTC crazy? because if any of that is true, i am ticked that I could've saved 50$. for a student that is a lot!!!

Michelle Simmons said...

I would have liked to have seen Cam Brown win! I didn't actually think he would... But I would have been awesome. Though if if was NZ I bet he would have. His mental edge of OWNING that race would have served him well... Even against Crowie!!

Laura said...

I totally had pizza for dinner tonight and my big race is closer than 8 weeks away...

I so wish I was going to NOLA this year. Sounds like it's the race to do!

Steve said...

I would have gone with the pizza. :) Who the hell is Cam Brown??

cheryl said...

I love fish, but I have a hard time talking myself out of pizza for fish :-)

have a great week! happy training! happy dogs and cats!

Joy said...

8 weeks!! Exciting. I went with the pizza yesterday-- Papa John's with lots of garlic butter. :)

Jennifer Harrison said...

I always want pizza. Or sushi. Or chocolate.
So glad your training is going SO well! :)) Soon...!