Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A New Adventure

It is not an exaggeration that I have been asked (in a sort of negative, condescending way) several times in the past week or so what I get out of blogging, or being on Wattie Ink, or interacting with strangers at races.

The question always leaves me a little baffled. There is so much awesomeness out there! What do I NOT get out of those things? What do I NOT get out of meeting so many great people?

I think about soccer. You ALWAYS shook hands with your opponents after the game. If someone was an excellent player or had really played with extra courage or toughness, I always made it a point to introduce myself and congratulate them. It was a sign of respect, and it also connected me to the game in deeper ways. I didn't just know the players on my team, I knew lots of players everywhere.

I remember one time after a tournament when I was about 23-years-old, I made it a point to say hi to some really great players on the other team after the game. We had won the game, and I had had a great game with 2 goals and a lot of midfield control. It was one of my best games. But, I knew that I had played some classy players, though, and come to find out, they were Atlanta Beat players (pro team that had folded for a while at the time). What a great conversation we had about post-college play, mutual friends, etc. These players were just awesome- what passion! No one else bothered to talk to the other players, and they had no clue the quality of the team we just played.

And if I had just left the field without speaking to the other team, that game would just be one game in a million that I don't remember. I think about that connection and that special day where I played with some amazing players, and it makes me wonder...

why wouldn't you want to extend yourself to other people that love the sport and learn from them?

So, what do I get out of blogging, and being on teams, reading about pros, and making friends? I don't know if I can sum it up quickly, but I believe it connects me deeper and more passionately to my sport.

And, if I didn't ever venture into meeting friends, I definitely wouldn't be struggling to finish packing my bags so I can go to Tucson to train with Hillary Biscay and friends this weekend. I would be staying by myself instead of sharing a room with Michelle Simmons. I wouldn't be emailing Jen Harrison for some Tucson advice. And on and on and on....

There are so many great people in this many nice people! What a great outlet for us as adults! So my question back to the people that have hounded me in the past few weeks is...why aren't you extending yourself a little more? Why aren't you taking the time to introduce yourself to competitors after a race? Why aren't your reading a pro's blog every now and then to learn something new? Why aren't you enjoying a cool, enthusiastic team?

There are so many adventures to be had in this sport! It is not just about the small area where you live. There are races, friends, and good times to be had all over!
Breesy wants me to take her with me.

Breesy and Cayenne were helping me pack, until they figured out I might be leaving them. These are the sad faces. Aren't they so pitiful! :)

And yes, I am very, very excited to go to a training camp. This is my first one EVER! I have had many excuses not to ever do this, and now that I am making it happen, I wonder...why did I wait so long?


Jennifer Harrison said...

Yes, why did you wait so long? I find it odd when people ask WHY we blog or WHY we do what we do. Um, because it MAKES US HAPPY!! Plain and simple....we do what we like in life. Period. If we don't, then we are miserable.

HAVE a great time in Tucson! Wish I was out there w/ you all.

GoBigGreen said...

Have fun, just be yourself, you are a great person and if it werent for blogging i would never have "met" you:) haha.
Soccer, is like tennis. But imagine shaking hands 1:1 with That ONE PERSON who beat you. IT was hard at times, but i never did NOT shake hands. Some did, how rude. They would just walk off the court and trust me, those people were not happy people!

Michelle Simmons said...

YAY! That's interesting about the blogging... I don't think I've ever gotten that reaction? I've gotten so much out of blogging... really love it primarily because it makes me feel connected to so many other athletes (like you said) so I'm not just like by myself out here on this little island in the middle of the Pacific... I'm connected to you all! :)

OK time to go finish packing! SEE YOU SOON!

Laura said...


h* said...

love this post! its true! why not meet people, and be nice! have fun at training camp, im a teensy bit jealous!!!

Steve said...

Good luck and have fun Damie. I am surprised people talk negatively about you blogging.

You seem so happy and full of energy, I love it. :)


Molly said...

Have a wonderful time on the trip and training your butt off at camp!!! I LOVE Arizona, it's my happy place :)

Anne-Marie said...

Great post - agree 100%!

I've had a blast meeting other triathletes online and at races, and definitely agree that it connects us to the sport more.