Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 4 on Mt. Lemmon

It seems everyone has climbed Mt. Lemmon, but this was a first and awesome experience for me. I can see now why everyone loves Tucson.

The prior 3 days of swim/bike/run have challenged me more than anything I ever do in Memphis. For one, I just don't have access to any climbing. So, to come here and do Madera Canyon, Gates Pass, and Mt Lemmon back to back after a winter with very limited indoor cycling was epic for me. The good news is, I got stronger and stronger with each pedal stroke, and this boded well for my final climb at Mt. Lemmon.

As a newbie, I didn't really know what to expect, and I didn't check out the maps. There was no goal time or anything like that for me. I rode the first 10 miles at what I felt was an easy pace (if you can say easy when you are climbing for almost an entire 25 miles). I took it all in and enjoyed the beautiful mountain. Then I just felt great and went for it. I crushed my way up the rest of the mountain, and just like I have done the rest of my time here, I got stronger with every mile.
Making it to the top was worth a little cookie celebration. :)

One of the absolute highlights of my camp experience was the descent of Mt. Lemmon. You have a couple of miles of climbing before a 20 mile descent, and I still felt good and happy. It was strange and I don't know how my legs were doing it, but I was still ready to climb. When Maik started to gap our little group up the road, I bridged to his back wheel and made up my mind to ride down with him.

And we FLEW down the mountain. It was just Maik....and me on his wheel. He kept looking back to see if I was hanging on, and yes....I was. Not just hanging on, but pushing it. He could tell I was loving it and just kept going hard. It was crazy, scary fun. In less than an hour, Maik and I had gone from climbing out of Cookie Cabin to the bottom of the mountain.

Not to mention, I had just ridden the wheel of a world class triathlete- one of the best cyclists in the sport, on a gorgeous day. Maik couldn't believe I had kept up, but little did he know I wasn't going to give up that opportunity to crush that mountain with him. It was one of those moments where I KNEW I had just seized and experienced a lifetime opportunity.

My descent partner, Maik Twelsiek! We were grinning at the finish with exhilaration.

So, that time with Maik was one of the highlights of my weekend. Truly, though, there have been so many good times, though, and it would be hard to report every single cool moment. I think, though, that having dinner with and listening to Sam McGlone last night would have to be up there, though. She was awesome.

So, still lots and lots of fun around here....sad to see it coming to an end soon.


Jennifer Harrison said...

Isn't Lemmon the BEST? NOW you know why I have a condo down there and am there all the TIME!!! So glad you got to experience all of great Tucson. :) And, honestly, for your first time down Lemmon to ride like that - is AMAZING. My first time I nearly cried like a baby and I was trying to follow Spencer Smith and they waited at the 0 mile marker for me, I am totally flying down the hill, but not my first time!!

Keep having fun!

Michelle Simmons said...

YOU were awesome yesterday!! :)

Laura said...

Damie, you have become an amazing cyclist! Remember when we use to ride together in the early days and you would stay at the back of a group? Now look at you - hugging the wheel of a pro class triathlete down a 20 mile desent! YOU ROCK CHICA! Sooooo miss riding with you.

GoBigGreen said...

If you descended like that on a TT bike I am super impressed! I ride my road bike bc i am a weenie on my TT bike with all that climbing and descending!
You will sleep for a week but i can tell you are getting 150% out of this! and I want to try those boots, that is so cool:)

mmmonyka said...

Sounds like SUPER FUN!
One day I need to visit Arizona and try those Mt Lemmon cookies myself.

h* said...

Damie that sounds like sooo much fun! Descending is tough, and i've only 'heard' that mt lemmon is tough-er! Way to work!