Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. Dave asked me tonight if I feel old...or older. I do, actually. But, I am glad that my body is still healthy overall and that I am surrounded by family and friends at all of the right times. :)

Birthdays have never been a big deal in my family. They usually go something like this "hey Damie, do you want to do something for your birthday today?" I decided to take matters into my own hands this year and make my own fun for my birthday.

I took the day off, as did Dave. First, I woke up (no alarm) and went for a little run. Then, I came home and asked Dave to make me some coffee. (always better when someone else makes it)

Then, it was time for a dog rescue. There was a puppy in the neighborhood that was lost/stray and I haven't been able to catch him. Since it is/was my birthday, I made Dave come on a rescue with me. (another family took the puppy in for now :)

Next, Dave and I ate gas station sushi, which is really good :)

And, since it was my day, I wanted to go to the Lichterman Nature Center and walk around. (plus it is free on Tuesdays, and I am thrifty, even on my birthday).

Dave was a good little buddy the whole day, and he didn't even complain about spending the day on the trails. Today I finally found an animal sleeping in a tree. I have always wanted to see that. :) If you look closely, you will see some raccoon fur.

This was just about my perfect day!

Then, I jumped on the trainer for one more workout and Dave took a nap. (Apparently Tim didn't know it was my birthday...no fun birthday sets or days off :)

From the trainer to Mexican and margaritas- and then on to the Hunger Games. (I really only went to the movie for Dave. Since I already read the books, I didn't know if I wanted to sit through the movie.)

And that is it! It was a super full and wonderful day. Thank you for all of the messages, texts, and phone calls. Happy Happy!!!!!


Steve said...

Glad you had a great Birthday, and spent it doing exactly what you want. WOO HOOOOOOO!!!! :)

Gas station food is always the best. ;)

ADC said...

Sounds like a really fun day.

Anne-Marie said...

Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a great day.

Michelle Simmons said...

Gas station sushi?? YOU need to come to Hawaii!

Glad you had a super birthday!

Angela and David said...

Sounds like a great day - happy birthday!