Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just Have Fun!

That is what Mardi Gras is all about...just having fun. All ages- all walks of life. Here are the second set of pictures, from Fat Tuesday. There are a lot...browse and enjoy. Hopefully this gives everyone a taste of this great city during Mardi Gras.

And...the road race went well. 2nd in Cat 4. My fitness is bike "strategery" not so good. Race report to come next post.

My Mardi Gras outfit

My mother-in-law to the right of me as we walk down Chartres. I LOVE this picture!

Bees getting ready to head to the French Quarter

The husbands were the Birds as part of our "Birds and the Bees" outfits.

The 5 Queen Bees:)
Our Birds and Bees group had a dance to the song that we performed for people. Seriously.

Our balcony view from the Budlight party

Dancing with some of the Zulu Krewe

I am not sure what she was, but it is cute.

Don't forget the "Jesus" people- an integral part of Mardi Gras. I think Jesus likes Mardi Gras because everyone is so happy.

Damie and Dave on the balcony

Now this guy was drunk...

Birds and Bees walking down the street

That would be hard to do all day...

And she had the audacity to act shocked when I asked to take her picture. Really?

That is real hair, people. And this life guard needs a shave. Ewww!!!!!
Creative cemetery costume.

My favorite banner of the day. Good catholic joke.

Mardi Gras can be as simple as wearing a mask.

Or as elaborate as the gay men at the costume contest.

There are always lots of walking parades at Mardi Gras.

A simple, but fun "sheep" costume.

This is one way to get around the French Quarter in your wheelchair- have someone pedal you around!

More parading...

Lots of color...just wear whatever is fun!


Cute cyclist

Super cute older woman- can be any age and just dress up for fun!

Now that could poke your eye out.

We had a dance off with this group of baton twirlers. I am proud to say the Birds and the Bees won.

Now sure what this was...


You can even bring your kid in a costume. It is just a fun day for everyone.

The Skeleton Krewe

A group of Elvii

My first boob of the day

Ms. Marty Bee-Tebowing

Mother-In-Law enjoying the day

There were many, many plays on the Concordia fiasco. This is one of the better ones...

A good alligator group costume

One of my favorites of the day- the front reads "the gutter girls" and the back reads "show us your balls." Outstanding!!!! I would have loved to see my granny in something like that.

I LOVED this guys costume. And in my hand is a red bull and vodka DAIQUIRI. I kid you not. It was soooooo gooooood!!!!!

Getting down on Bourbon...with random people. It was fun!

Dave and I have been going to Mardi Gras together since we were 18. I would always stay at his house during our college Mardi Gras adventures, even before we dated. We have lots of good memories. :)


Steve said...

Glad you guys had a great time. I am so old now that is like the last thing I'd want to do. I am lame lame lame. :)

Congrats on your race with your crappy bike. :)

Have a good one Damie. :) xo

Laura said...

I want to join in the fun someday. But I only want to do New Orleans with you locals or ex-locals, whatever. Looks so awesome!!! :)

Angela and David said...

We drove down and went to Mardi gras twice in college - we left after practice got out on Friday and then slept maybe a total of two or three hours while we were there and got back in time to be at practice early Monday morning. Youth is such an amazing thing. Most of my pictures are not okay for the Internet! Looks like you guys had a great time.