Wednesday, February 1, 2012


A tiny bit of denial was living in this house for the past couple of months involving a certain Ironman that has my name on the registration list. Yes, I finally saw the IMTexas registration list, and yes, my name is on it.

I swore I wouldn't do that one. It was too hot. Too flat. Too boring. Too American. You know all of the reasons I come up with to exclude certain races. Bring on Lanzarote or Norseman! (definitely on the list). I have many friends here in Memphis doing IMTX, and I remember saying out loud to them on a group ride, "I WOULD NEVER SIGN UP FOR THAT RACE." (All of my friends know that I say stuff like this all of the time. It is a good thing I am never too proud to eat my words, as I seem to do it all of the time.)

When faced with the realization that everything is full and I couldn't afford overseas travel this year, I started to rethink my position. The option to do IMTX seemed better to me than no option at all. Dave and I have some other plans for this year, but in the back of my mind, I wanted to have a choice to do an Ironman just in case things didn't move as quickly as we had planned.... So, I signed up.

And then I sat on my butt. Huge IM denial. I even thought for the past 2 months that I would drop out of IMTX. Everyone in Memphis is so focused on qualifying for Kona with their every workout being an interval workout in December, etc...and I was wondering where the fun was? Did every ride have to be a master workout in December? It just left me feeling BLAH and unmotivated. (In turn, I am sure I was pretty un-motivating to be around as well- a real ball of joy! I think I am a text book case of Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter.) I have also had so many problems on my bike, which have resulted in my NOT riding during the winter. Dave decided he wasn't ready for another ironman either. The house was dripping with encouragement.
I think this is a portrait of my winter. Me + dogs + butt on couch.

But, here I am. Feb 2012. I am excited for IMTX and ready to train. It just took some time and a few conversations with Dave to remember that I actually really, really love the ironman distance, and that I always have SO-MUCH-FUN! Some of my Wattie Ink. teammates are doing this race as well, so there is some good, general excitement going on.

I am not going to over think it. I do these races because I love to do them. There is no other reason more important than this one to me. :)))) I now think this race is going to be beautiful. The challenge for me will definitely be the heat and wind...and did I say heat? eh, but no one wants a sorry-lame-easy ironman! So, IMTX it is. Hello Christy and Heather! Come hang please!!!! Yea Keith- we finally get to do one together!!!! Yea yea yea- racing with Denise and Travis and Robert and Susan with Wattie Ink! Go Memphis peeps!!! I am looking forward to it!


Steve said...

WOOOOOOOO!!! Good Luck!! :)

Glad you got your mojo back!! :)

cheryl said...

fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope you have a great spring getting ready for the race, and a great race too!

GoBigGreen said...

I really really want to do that race for the reasons you are hemming and hawing . I Love TEXAS! I dont know why but that state makes me happy! but i think to train i need to be outdoors, and since you CANbe, do it sister, do it and have some fun!

Laura said...

You little stinker! Well, I'm happy for you. I know how much you love IM. Go get 'em Damie! I know you will. :)

Molly said...

How exciting!!! I'm sure you will do great!!!

ADC said...

Very exciting. But if you do shange your mind come to Europe, there is always a bed for you here.

KeithC said...
