Thursday, February 16, 2012

Facing Myself

Last year was all about zone 2. Everything. Anything over zone 2 happened in a race. I ran lots and lots of easy miles to increase my durability. And, I have to say, it really worked. After so many years of painful running, my body has repaired and rebounded. I keep seeing little tempo runs sneaking into my training peaks. They are sprinkled in so that they look benign. Tonight I had to continually increase my effort until I ended my run with 15 minutes at an uncomfortably hard effort. I was transitioning into the last interval when I realized.....WAIT! That is 3 x fast running this week! He snuck 7 miles of tempo into my long run Sunday and didn't I just do intervals on the track Tuesday? I CAN'T do this!!!! Too much!!!!!!

Seems I will do anything to avoid fast running....pain....hard work...

And I had to face myself.

I realized I had absolutely NO EXCUSE for not running faster and doing the workout. I mean, they (my excuses) are all gone. My knees don't hurt. I am not recovering from surgery. I am durable. I can hold the pace. I am not injuring myself.

Basically, in those 15 minutes, I had to look at myself and be honest. The truth is this: I don't like to feel uncomfortable. It has absolutely nothing to do with my ability to do the work.

Ew. I didn't like to realize that about myself. I felt lazy when I realized running harder was a choice- a choice I often don't make. I definitely made the tempo happen after that conversation with myself, and in the process I rid myself of one more excuse for not becoming a better runner.

When faced with the same choice again, I hope I will keep choosing discomfort.

Overall, a good day with swim, work, run, and......time with my nephew!

Today Aunt Damie and Nathaniel read about colors and reptiles.
Isn't he soooo cute!!!!!


Steve said...

I dread my Wednesday nights sometimes, but I do the work, and most of it uncomfortable. When I am on my game I like throwing tempo miles on some of my runs. I am not on top of my game yet. :)

Have a good weekend Damie. :)

ADC said...

He is soo cute. I love some faster stuff. It's scary but feels so good when it's done.

Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVE it.....I always tell myself, "Jenny, get out of your own way!!" :) Right?

h* said...

Sometimes it is sooo hard to tell the negative voice to shut up, especially during the hard stuff. Way to stomp on that one girl, you're going to be faster!