Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Simplicity

Not simplistic, but....

So, I have this new twitter account, but I don't really know what to do with it. I don't see the difference between tweeting and facebook status updates. And, since I never update my facebook status, I am having trouble tweeting as well. I honestly just don't think I am witty enough to tweet.

I do, however, like to read updates from Flotrack, the Saints, professional athletes, good blogs, new articles and information, etc...on twitter, so I can see how there is some value to the site.

So, maybe I just need a twitter tutorial to get me in the game a little bit. Help, please? Because honestly, if is just about me tweeting that I went on a bike ride or to the grocery store, I might lose interest quickly. Well, actually, you would lose interest my twitter life, that is.

It would probably help if I had a smart phone as well, but I am so partial to my old, pre-paid flip phone. Twittering in bed...(like writing your blog in bed, which is what I am doing) seems a little lame.

This week I have really continued to focus on making my life simple.
  • Spending less. And less. And less. I think I would be happy if I reached a point in life where I didn't buy a single thing except food. I really find such little pleasure in buying things these days.
  • Streamlining work. I am setting hours and trying to stick to them. And saying "no" when work pushes beyond those boundaries. I still suck at this one.
  • Trying new food and cooking from recipes. I realized I was going WEEKS without cooking a meal. I am trying to make food preparation a bigger part of my life. It doesn't seem simple now, but maybe it will with some practice.
  • Training simply. Read workout. Do workout.
Friday night simplicity...dogwalking at the Humane Society. This is Etta. Pure sweetheart. Easiest dog to walk. I sometimes feel so tired on Friday nights, and volunteering seems like just one more thing to do in an already over-crowded week. But once I get out there and do it, I realize I don't want to live I life where I don't give of myself. It is always worth it.

Who wrote the book on simplicity? My dogs. A day in the life of....
I always suspected they didn't do crap when I wasn't home. Proof. Rooney sleeping in the yard, and Cayenne sleeping in the dog house.
It doesn't take much to make them happy, either. I brought them inside for some family time. Stuffing and squeakers.... and hanging out with mom. Truly. Just hanging out with me makes them happy. Makes me happy too.
Oh, back to doing nothing. The simple life.


Steve said...

Twitter is easy. Just say any stupid old thing in your mind. Maybe easy for me. I have a lotta stupid in me!! :)

Life I think can be simplified, but I think you would have to agree it is rarely simple!! :)

Always plenty of stuff to worry about!! :)

Best of luck Damie!! :)

Damie said...

I know, I know, Steve! Okay- tweeted 3 x today. I am going to make it happen. And- I like that about life being simplified, rarely simple. That is a good perspective. Nice!