Sunday, January 22, 2012

Race Into Shape

It was an anti-climatic show down here in the race department this weekend. Dave and I went to a 5k with a 2-1 race record (2 to him, 1 to me). I really need distance to gain an advantage as he can just stick by me and out-sprint me at the end of short races, but we figured a 5k would just end the "who is faster" argument. (Okay, and honestly...Dave was a 4:xx miler in high school, and that was before he got fast with college soccer. There is really no competition; I just like to talk smack as we get older).

The day was freezing, with a gracious cold, Northern headwind. I already don't love 5ks, and I really dislike racing in miserable weather. Ehhh....but it was time for me to get out there and do one, as my last 5k happened in October of 2010. Ouch. I knew this would not be fun, but I am going to have to race a little bit to get in shape.

I am sad to say it was a pitiful effort on my part. I got stuck behind some kids in the first quarter mile and lost contact with Dave and my girlfriends. I was too hesitant to sprint off of the line and was quickly 15-20 seconds back. I was not confident enough to start strong, and I was playing makeup the whole race.

At mile 1, Dave dropped out. He pulled his hamstring in a soccer game last week, and we knew he might not be able to run. It was disappointing for us both, but I am glad he was smart enough to just stop.

Mile 1 was my slowest mile by almost 20 seconds. Blah. I got going for miles 2 and 3 and negative split each mile, but it was too little too late. I could never bridge the gap back to my friends. I finished this race slower than the last time I did this course in 2008. Not very comforting.

I can conclude I am absolutely not in 5k shape. I had zero speed. I also have forgotten how to race.
(Walking with Dave:) Couldn't let him walk alone.)
I am not sure, however, if the new record is 2-2. Does it count as a loss if you DNF? Dave ended up walking the rest of the course, so I jogged to him after my race and walked it in with him. I am honestly so proud of him for doing even just a tiny bit of running. I know he has zero passion for it, so making the effort to spend time with me doing something I like is appreciated.

The tale of two athletes- Dave has to DNF, and really doesn't care. I finish, but have a shitty race, and feel pissy. So funny how we react so differently to running.

Lisa, Nanette, and Damie post race

Today I redeemed myself with a good 16 miler- zone 2 effort, marathon pace. Probably one of my best long runs in a few years. Go figure. Speed? No. Endurance? Yes. I guess you can't always have it all in January!


Michelle Simmons said...

I HEAR YOU! I am trying hard to work on increasing my speed this year and while I see glimpses of hope, it's not really very pretty! I think some people are just far more natural at that fast stuff than others of us are... :)

Steve said...

5K's are brutal, but sounds like you ran a smart race. I think the last 1.1 should be fast. Not that I ever won any race past 6th grade though!! :)

GoBigGreen said...

Sorry it was so cold ( wait, did you hear my spitting out my coffee?) I see shorts Damie, that isnt cold.
Ok rant over.
5k's are hard if i hadnt spent 40 years of my life running down drop shots i may not even get the concept of speed.
Sorry about Dave, hope his leg feels better!