Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am posting these pictures as a great reminder of what I want my life to look like every single day.

These pictures were taken on our road trip to the Saints playoff game 2 weeks ago in New Orleans. Dave brought home a mini-van for us to drive on the trip. He is trying to convince me that a mini-van would fit my lifestyle. But, we all know that there is no way I will ever drive a mini-van. My next purchase is a Lane Meyer style Camaro. I already have my dad's word that he will help me restore one. (Better Off Dead....if you don't know Lane Meyer). I might at well post a picture of the Camaro as well. Sweet, yes?

Okay, back to the pictures....and the way I want to live my life every single day.

So, the dogs were in the back of the van on their dog beds. Halfway through the trip, I just had this overwhelming desire to go spend time with them, snuggle them, and nap on the floor of the van with them. Dave asked why I was getting on the nasty, hairy floor with the dogs. And I responded, "Because I will always remember this night, where I just snuggled on the floor of a van with my dogs. I will never remember a road trip where I just sit in the front seat and listen to the same song I have heard 1 million times." (Actually, I am sure Dave was making me listen to ESPN radio or RawDog, but you get the picture).

Remember those great road trips when you were younger? Aren't our best memories filled with happiness, laughter, and a little touch of crazy?
The dogs were so happy. We just made a hug dog pile, and I was laughing the whole time like an 8-year-old. It was a little ridiculous.
And maybe when I have my own kids, I won't be able to pile on the floor of a van with my dogs. I will have to sit up front, seat belt on, and be an adult. Or maybe not. Hopefully I can still be a friend, mom, family member, co-worker that has fun, lives in the moment, and spreads love.

So, out of all of the things I did that entire week, including: work, train, pay bills, clean, yada yada. I don't remember any of it. I don't remember a single workout from that week. I can't tell you what I did on any random day of that week. But I can tell you that on Friday night, I was so very happy on the floor of a van.

When I have days that are frustrating, painful, or stressful, I think back to this night and I remember that the most important things in my life do not start with the letters WOR. That includes, but not limited to WORK, WORKING OUT, and WORRY. The most important things in my life are the way I choose to spend my moments smiling, sharing love, being a little crazy, and living.


Angela and David said...

You can still act like a kid when you have a kid. In fact, you'll be amazed at the silly things kids will lead you to do. And I bet you are eating your minivan words. I never thought I wanted a minivan until I had a kid and saw how amazingly awesome they are for carrying everything. I can't wait to get a minivan.

Jennifer Harrison said...

Lovely post, Damie! LIFE is all about those we love and love us back. !!!!!

Steve said...

awww. wahhhhh!!! What a great post. I don't have any other words, but I may have shed a couple tears. :)

You are right, life is about so many things maybe we don't think about all of them. :)

So so glad you are on my blogger list. :) Best of luck with everything. :)

You can tweet once in a while if ya want. :) LOL

Laura said...


GoBigGreen said...

Yay! Thanks for the reminder:) I agree with JH!
And I've wanted a minivan for 3 years!

Anne-Marie said...

so cute!!!