Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Good Trail Run

Here is a picture of Breesy watching the Saints' game with us last night. She had front and center on the seating arrangements.

I am definitely feeling pretty bummed about the Saints' loss. Thank you to everyone for not rubbing it in my face. For once, I didn't get a ton of heckling texts/phone calls last night. And no, I don't want to go to a Super Bowl party this year. I just want to be sad...with Kari....the other loser.

This morning I took my heavy heart to run my first 25k trail run ever. It was hard to stay sad with such a beautiful day!!!! I had no plans to run this race. I haven't even run this distance since IMWales. But, the opportunity presented itself last minute, and it sounded more fun to do my workout with others than all by my lonesome.

I still had to stick to my workout plan, which was a long run at zone 2 effort with some zone 3 in the end to make sure I didn't just trot the back half of the run. I started in the back of the pack and just chatted away with friends for the first hour. I have done so much solo running lately, and it was such a joy to be with others as we galloped through the forest.
As the miles ticked by, I felt so grateful and thankful for every blessing I have in my life, especially athletically. To be able to just run 16 miles, because I feel like it, is a dream. I felt very lucky today as I ran through the trails. I never would have thought there would be a day where I would go run a 25k at the spur of the moment because I felt like it.

I felt so good running today. I really picked it up the back half of the run and let my pace drop about 2-3 minutes per mile. My HR was staying down even with the increase in speed, and that was a good thing to see. And at the end, it felt like just another easy run. Nothing hurt, and I didn't feel a lot of fatigue. It felt a lot like adventure racing....just a fun day making your way through the forest. It was so nice to be off of the road and just running for the joy of running.


Steve said...

Woo Hoo!! Sounds like an awesome day of running. Long runs don't seem like work when you do it while chatting with people. :)

I wanted the Saints to win, but I am happy for the 49ers too. They made real strides this year, and Harbaugh used to be a Bear, and a MI QB.

Michelle Simmons said...

Sounds awesome! :)

runningyankee said...

youare a GOOD runner. dont forget that. and yes, lets be sad. i have just written out my blog about pros and cons on who i will cheer for going forward. wouldnt you know its the guy's team who gives me good beer and food who came out the winner....

ADC said...

Sounds like a great run.